Thursday, 8 August 2019

Exciting times

Hi so long time huh..
But I have good news which i'm hoping will include this blog.  I have been selected to join #SCOPEFORCHANGE this year! So Scope is a big charity, that helps and campaigns for disabled people. They want equality for disabled people. Now they run a training program in campaigning. For 18-25 year olds with a disability. They work with us for 6 months to create campaigns on issues that matter to us. To help us run successful campaigns. To become the next generation of disability campaigners. And I am taking part this year! I'm really excited and looking forward to the next 6 months. We got to go to a launch event at Scope's office a few weeks ago and it was really cool because the office was accessible to all, they had braille on the floor and time out spaces. They had a changing places toilet. Another thing about scope is that a lot of the staff too are disabled which is amazing seeing so many disabled people. It's scope practising what it preaches if that makes sense.

So I kind of have an idea on my campaign and I think it will be to do with the arts, acting, theatre and disability. I dont want to jinx my idea just yet and theres a couple of things I need to sort out in my brain but its something that im passionate about.

I'm going away for the weekend with them for a training event along with the other campaigners who all seem like lovely people who I look forward to getting to know better. This weekend looks really good as its been planned just like the launch event with everyone in mind and everyones needs. Making it accessible for all.
Hopefully I will make a blog post about the weekend.
Until next time,

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Update on Life

So I am finally writing something on my blog. Hooray. I'm just going to say I don't really have an excuse. Its already March! Time has slightly gotten away from me.  I've had a couple of auditions which I have had to get my monologues sorted for so I kind of let other things fall to the waste side. I mean I haven't read any books in 2018. I know. For someone who has a blog which is partly dedicated to my love of books, I have failed. I mean I haven't stopped buying books so my to read list has doubled in size.
Also I now have a p.a, which has taken up a lot of my time. In a good way because I've been doing a lot more things, like more auditions, but then I get behind on doing other things. Like Writing blogs or getting back into my story writing. Because that is also something I've been putting off.
Also I guess I've had a bit of an idea block. What to write about and what to make videos about. Also will it be weird posting about something that I don't normally post about. Lots of thoughts swirling in my brain.

This is just a little post to say that hopefully now I can come back to my blog and youtube because hopefully my life should calm down.
Until next time,

Sunday, 31 December 2017

Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018

So its Boxing Day so before you know it, it'll be New Years eve. Yes I know I haven't blogged in a while. But in the new year I aim to get better at blogging and putting up videos. Cant promise anything but its a goal and I can dream.
Finally figured out how to do this... 

So it seems strange because last year was a great year for me and my family, but in terms of globally and everything though, not so much. It seems its a bit like it again this year. I have personally done great things this year. But for my family its been a bit of a crap one. And globally, well do I need to explain?

So looking back, its felt like a really long year. Its only in the past few months that its felt like this year is going so fast.

Where to start? Beginning of the year. Its crazy that only mid January did I decide to audition for the national youth theatre. Actually I think it was end of January. I booked my audition and I think I had a week and half to learn my monologue. I was really fortunate that I auditioned for my local college the year before and they gave me a set of monologues to choose from so I just reused that one. Terrible fact to admit and looking back it was such a fluke and not something I would recommend. I had never read the play in which it came from. I know, rule one of picking monologues. Read the play! I did do lots of research into the play. I think I was going to read it but couldn't get it from my local library until after my audition. I did a whole post on my audition, on all my auditions I did actually if you want to read. I plan to do more of those blogs as now we're getting into a new year I have got more auditions planned. I also want to do a video on the national youth theatre as I found myself looking for things like that.

February, March, April flew by, with auditions, failed auditions. A big change this year was I left the drama group I had been with for the last 2ish years. I'd like to say I left on a good note, but sadly not. But although that is the case, I will always have special memories and hold close that the time I was there changed my life for the better. In so many ways, I grew and found my passion.

So not long after I left identity, I was waiting on more auditions. I applied for chickenshed but didn't get in. I was on the waiting list though! And irronicaly on the same day I found out about chickenshed, that evening I got the email letting me know I got into the national youth theatre. In a way I wish someone recorded my reaction because I literally thought I wouldn't get in. I had auditioned and been turned down for pretty much all the auditions I had so wasn't expecting much. Considering the scale of NYT. But somehow I did, including the fact I didnt read the play. I thought I would be auditioning for a few years until I might get accepted. I was told and accepted that they don't normally take people on the first time. I just went to have fun.

Then came the months in between, raising money, receiving a bursary from the National Youth Theatre was when life started to become very difficult. Both of my parents became unwell. You hear people talking about poverty but you never expect it to hit you. Happens to other people.

So we went to London for a month, it was such a weird experience for me because although it wasn't like school, it was. I hadn't been in an environment like school for so long. With people my age, so many different personalities. I have never done that much exercise in my life. I'd like to say I have a better stamina and tolerance for exercise now.  I am so happy I made it through. I think part of my struggle was not knowing what to expect, I had never done anything like this. I didnt think I would get in. I didnt even have proper drama lessons at school. So when everyone was quoting Shakespeare or from a well known play. I felt a bit like a fish out of water. I've never done or read Shakespeare. Up until November this year I had never seen a play. Its something that I've always wanted to do but couldn't afford. But it was an experience I will never forget. It strengthened my want and need to perform. I want to spend my life doing it.
By being in London I even conquered one of my greatest fears/struggles - the tube. I have discovered I do have claustrophobia. But travelling is expensive in London and long if you don't go on the tube.
I wanted to go to Oxford street on my afternoon off and knew the quickest way to get there would be the tube. So through gritted teeth, literally I had a face like someone was forcing me to do it, I travelled on the tube and my mum, my brother and I had a great time on Oxford street & Chinatown.

Another thing I conquered this was liquid eyeliner. The amount of eyeliners I have bought hoping I could conquer it. No one will understand how hard eyeliner is if you can't do it. I mean up until a few years ago I had my mum doing most my makeup because I couldn't do it. So liquid eyeliner was the last thing to conquer, thankfully I don't bother with my brows because I guess I'm blessed in the eyebrow department. Lol. Sarcasm.

So we got back from London and I guess things returned to somewhat normality. I had my biggest audition to date. I was so nervous but I enjoyed every minute of it. I mean I think I'm quite good under pressure. My family might disagree. At the end of September I went to the Starfury - Clone Club convention. I loved it. Wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. I mean it was my idea of an ideal weekend. Talking about my favourite tv show with people that loved it as much as I did.

I also had my very first set of headshots done, which was a really weird experience. As I film videos and stick them on youtube though it wasn't as weird. I had my headshots done by a lovely lady called Elle Meadows. She also is an actress and has a youtube channel. It was really lovely because it was really chilled and relaxed. Which is exactly what I wanted.

Then things went quiet for a while, life kind of went back to normal. Christmas happened, it was a quiet Christmas this year. People say its not all about the money at Christmas but if you don't have money it can be pretty depressing.

This year I have seen so many shows and concerts. I went to see Paramore, I'm going to see them again twice in January. I saw Dreamgirls, Hamilton. I saw my first play Of Kith And Kin. I even saw my dream show role Heathers in workshop.

I also have finally gotten direct payments. Yes after two years. I'm dabbling with the idea of writing a blog post about it. It kicked in after we came back from the cvi society. Which was a big hit this year. It was lovely to see everyone again and meet new people. Put faces to names. I can't wait for next year's although I'm going to need to start brainstorming ideas for the next speech otherwise it'll never happen.

So looking back at resoloutions and goals, which I've discovered I cannot achieve my Goodreads goal. I dont know why.

So this year I don't really have any new years resolutions except1. Be happy 2. Do more charity work 3.Be more confident and believe in myself. Be kinder to myself.Yeah lets see if I can do those, Fingers crossed. I would of put read more books or get better at blog post deadlines but I want to actually hopefully keep to my new years resolutions, and I don't think I would be able to achieve those two. LOL!

I don't really do New Years resolutions, because I never normally stick to them. I like to make goals that I can actually achieve . Small targets that are important to me all year round.
I actually did pretty well on being happy. Not all the time but this year I have achieved so much and experienced so many things to be happy about. Doing more charity work, has been put on the backburner this year but I'm hoping next year I shall be doing something. Being more confident and believing in my myself. I'm getting there. I struggled with confidence whilst at NYT, I didnt understand why I was there. That all these people were better then me. Not saying I'm super confident about it all now but they must have seen something.
So yeah I want to work on them again next year. But also to take every opportunity with both hands and embrace it.

So all in all 2017 has been another strange year, in so many ways its been a great year. In terms of my health, experiences, doing so many things and taking the first steps into what I hope to make a career. But also its been a year of difficulty.
Hopefully 2018 will be another good year for me. If its even better then 2016 & 2017 combined then that would be even better but I'll settle for a good year.

I do plan to post more on here and on youtube, don't hold me to it though. I will try!
So goodbye 2017, hello 2018!

Until next time

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Of Kith And Kin - Review

Hi today I have something exciting. I went to see a show. A play. My first ever play. I admit I did think when are they going to break into song! I went with my mum and we met up with our friend Jean who we met through the CVI Society. We went to the bush theatre to see the play running there, until the 25th November if you want to go watch it, called Kith And Kin. We were lucky enough to be invited by Jean and her son, Chris, who is the playwright of the show. We were lucky enough to meet him before the show and have a chat. It was really interesting as before being a play writer, Chris was a social worker. Bit of a career change. But if you look at the shows he has wrote, you can see where elements of his carer as a social worker and his experiences with it have influenced his writing. As they say, write about what you know.

Of Kith and Kin is Chris's 3rd play, is 2hours long with a 20 minute interval. It follow a couple, Daniel and Oliver as they are throwing a baby shower, for their surrogate Priya. We see their friendship, they're best friends with Priya. Priya has been a surrogate before and has her own son. Everything is going well until an unxepected arrival at the front door arrives. Daniel's mum and what follows is families disagreeing and obivious underlying problems. A fight breaks out between the couple and Daniel assaults Oliver with his mum goading him. Priya standing in the corner in horror as to what is unfolding. When suddenly Priya goes into labour. I don't want to spoil the play so thats all I'm going to say because then we follow them after the fallout of what happened at the baby shower.

It was in a stage that was almost like a round stage. You had a square stage and a part of the audience each side except upstage. It was really cool and I found I liked the staging. It really showed if you were a good actor because there was no where to hide. There was no off switch. You had to really be in the moment and showing on your face. My mum said to me about how many lines they all had. And its true because the main 3, the actors who played Priya, Oliver and Daniel were onstage for pretty much every scene.

The actors in the show were very good, they really suited the characters and they really seemed to throw themselves into the characters. I also like the use of perhaps what would be considered older actors. Even though they aren't that old, you normally see fresh out of drama school, under 25's so it was nice to see the talent that is out there that isn't necessarily the stereotypical actor. It was a very small cast, 5 actors and one of the actress's who intially played Lydia, Daniel's mum, was double cast as another character. I won't say what the character is because it kind of gives a spoiler to the plot.

The lighting and the staging of the show was really cool. They used props to make it look like a room and to help reinforce where they were. The lighting was clever and how they used a curtain to move the story along with sound and visuals without needing a full scene. To progress the story through a scene transition was cool. Also with the way the audience was set up it almost felt as if you were just watching their lives, bit like say if you were watching Eastenders.

Overall I really enjoyed it and would go see another play. Definitely would go see another of Chris's work. I have found I much prefer the contemporary pieces, I have yet to see Shakespeare piece. I am glad I went to see this as my first play then something quite heavy as Shakespeare.

My mum and came out having quite enjoyed the show, the humour was good I found I felt the seats move because my mum was laughing. There is strong language, as word of warning but it didn't bother me. I really enjoyed it and really liked the bush theatre. I would definitely go there again.

If you want to go watch Kith and Kin, its on at the bush theatre until the 25th November, tickets start at £10. And again big thank you to Jean and Chris for inviting us!

Thanks for reading,
until next time
Sophie x

Sunday, 5 November 2017

CVI Society Convention 2017

So its that time of year again. The CVI Society Convention 2017. This year my mum and I were joined by my brother and we drove because the train was double what it would cost in petrol and parking was free. This year it was in Bristol in the Futures Inn hotel and conference centre. We were also staying for longer, we got to the hotel the day before the convention and we went home the day after the convention which I enjoyed because last year we didnt really know anyone apart from Janet and it seemed like we were just getting into the swing of it by the time we went home. This year like last year we had dinner with everyone the night before. We also had dinner with everybody after the convention as well. I did end up getting quite anxious and panicky though but after I chilled out I was fine.

So this year I was made an ambassador of the cvi society along with Art, who also presented a speech, this year and last year, about his life with CVI who is from Ireland. We are both young ambassadors for the cvi society. What I really enjoyed about the CVi society is meeting people like me, like this year I met HJ and her mum Maia and her dad Andy. She was really nice and shared my feeling of happiness to meet people like her.
Its weird because we're technically not part of the visual impairment world completely. Meeting more parents and professionals was lovely because, by imparting the struggles and things we've experienced and I guess it gives people a kind of idea of what kind of future their children could have, hopefully it provides them with ways to help them and to kind of hope and help them encourage their children with their hopes and dreams. Its hard to explain but that their is hope. I guess. Its weird. I had people come up to me and they said 'oh you'll be in demand' my mum was the one most people wanted to speak to. She was told what an amazing person she is. Of course I agree, she's my mum.

I met some really nice people, I'll be honest I'm not very good with names and faces so I can't remember everybody's names. It was really nice to put faces to names of people that you see on the forum and talk to.

I was on first again after the introductions, I had 15 minutes. I did come off thinking I had over ran but when I asked my mum, she said I didnt. I even met someone who's watched my videos besides my mum and Janet! She was really lovely and we had a long chat because she spoke about a project she's currently working on, stripping back the film industry in terms of the layers added to shows and filmas i.e special effects, sound, music. It can be quite disorientating for lots of people never mind people with sensory issues. It was a really interesting project. As I feel that at times, when its for example a really dark scene. I just want someone to lighten it up past what my screen can do. For example I love stranger things and it often has scenes outside at night and its really dark so I have my mac's screen brightness on full. But I need it even brighter. Also speaking of shows, I managed to put some recommendations out there. That people should watch orphan black, heathers both the movie and musical. Oh and Deaf West Spring Awakening. Some people I spoke to this year had even heard of them which I love even more! Thats when I really geek out and talk at a million miles a minute about how much I love them. I get like that, with things I love, like cats.

We had lots of different speakers, from professor Gordon Dutton and Richard Bowman to a lovely man who had come with his wife and son who had cvi and spoke of his experience as a father of having a child with cvi.

Also I don't know if you know this but I love shopping, and that literally over the road from the hotel was Cabot circus. A big shopping centre. So I did do some shopping. I think I was quite tame though for me.

I think my speech went well, I had people coming up to me and telling me it was really good and asking me how the whole acting thing is going. I was even asked if I would do a short Q&A type interview as a father who came to the convention is writing a book about seeing. So I was asked questions like, what I wish to see, the worst thing I've seen etc. So I could be in a book. If I am I will let people know.

Overall I had a really lovely time and cannot wait for the next convention. Got to get my thinking cap on otherwise I won't have a clue by the time it comes around. This year there was a theme of 'The new normal, what is normal?' And I found it made it easier to write the speech. I actually had a bit of writers block for this speech as I found I struggled to know what to say in response to the last speech I did. I felt I had said a lot and talked about myself and living with a visual impairment. I didnt want to repeat myself. I didnt want to copy the speech.

I am doing a blog on the convention for the cvi society website. So go read that.

So thank you for reading. I am going to Hamilton in December so I will probably write about it as I'm going on opening preview night. So the blog should be back up and running! Also thank you to the CVI Society again for everything they do, the CVI Society are a small charity and run by volunteers so if your thinking of fundraising for a charity, thing about the CVI Society. Because it would be amazing and the money would go directly to them and help them do their work and support more people. And spread the message of CVI

Thanks for reading,
until next time

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Paramore at the royal albert hall

Hi so I went to see paramore. I promise I will stop going on about it soon. At the royal Albert Hall. I know very fancy. I did question how that would go because The Royal Albert Hall and Paramore don't automatically go together. Its a place you associate it more with things like the BBC Proms.

But ironically it turned out to be the perfect place for them. I did go in the RNIB box so if you want a review of that, I did a review for the cvi society blog that I have over there -
I know this is a little late after the show, what a week or two, but I've been working on another paramore post that should be out around the same time as this.

I was originally sat in the disabled area and then I got the RNIB box tickets and as I knew my friend wanted go but didnt get tickets, who is also disabled, I asked him if he wanted to go. Even if we wouldn't be sat together, we would go out to eat first and then travel there and back.

We met at TGI Fridays in our local town because last time I arranged to have dinner in london before the concert I ended up missing one of the support acts. Also the prices, and service charge, is double. So we went to TGI Fridays and what happened as soon as my starter came out, I got it down my top. I also happened to be wearing a white crop top. Well done me! It was bruschetta so it left a massive stain down my top and so my mum spent 10 minutes wiping my shirt with baby wipes. Typical! I ended up deciding to buy a top from the merchandise, which they tweeted about what they had before , so I ate my dinner. We had a really lovely meal out. Then we got the train to london and got a taxi to Royal Albert Hall. The taxi ride was lovely, we drove through Hyde Park. It was really lovely as it was hot so everybody was out in Hyde Park. I mean the heat though also was so hot that people were sweating when we got into the Royal Albert Hall. The security at the show was super tight, you were only  allowed to enter the door stated on your ticket, which confused a lot of the staff when our tickets said two different doors. We also got bag searched and wanded. I always worry when they use the wand because my head has, not metal but foreign, equipment in. I mean my shunt has never made a scanner buzz before but I always hold my breath a little.

But we got through then we went to see our seats and then we went to go get some merchandise as I was self conscious of my shirt. I bought the tour dates shirt and the hard times t-shirt. I also got a poster which has touch wood finally stuck on my wall. One thing I must note, when I went to the bathroom to change my shirt I went in the disabled toilet and it was so blocked it was quite disgusting. We did report it to staff but still. Why is is that the disabled toilets are always in the worst hygiene standard? Who goes in there and makes it that filthy? It confuses me, how they're left to get in that state. Especially for people who actually need those toilets.

Then we got our drinks and by the time we got to the front of the queue, Kev, my mum and I were sweating. We then went to our seats. We took Kev to his seat and then we went to ours.

First up was bleached and Ive found in everywhere I've been in terms of concert venues I can never really get in to the support acts because I cant really hear. Like the sound always seems a bit off. Almost like they're figuring it out for when the artist comes on.
Then the main event Paramore came on at about 9:30 and from when they came on it just seemed to whizz by. I had my mum recording songs and taking pictures.  They played a real selection of all albums. Zac played his song Scooby in the back. I love his song Mountain, to be honest I couldn't really hear when they did Scooby in the Back. Weirdly enough. There was also a cover of Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac. When they sang Turn It Off though I did start to get a bit teary eyed because that album, I've talked about it enough, is an album that remains close to my heart. When I was in my lowest points. I related to the lyrics so much and to hear it then when I am in such a better place with my best friend who was there for me through it all. I felt like I had almost come full circle.
It was a moment for me but if ever they played misguided ghosts is when I'll end up full on sobbing.
What I love about Paramore's shows is that level of energy they have, they give each show everything they've got. The sense of community at their shows, they pulled up not just one but about 4 people to sing misery business. The roar of the crowd along with Hayley when she says 'We Are Paramore'. Because this band is family. People come to escape from everyday reality for a couple of hours to have fun be around strangers and friends alike. A place where everyone bonds over their love of music and a love of this band. Where anything outside doesn't matter. What matter is that you have a damn good time.

So I could go on forever about my love for paramore and I have tried to summarise it up in a separate post. Thats if I post it, it is a bit emotional. I also have a blog on the cvi society where I wrote about the venue itself, the royal albert hall.

So I don't know what the future holds for paramore. I hope its good. They deserve it but if they decide to end it here, I'm okay with that. I wouldn't want people to do something they don't love anymore, if it hurts too much. Because overall thats what I want for this band, to be happy. But obviously I'd love a new album and tour as well. I am determined to sing misery business!

Thank you for an amazing show Paramore.

Hope you enjoyed this, sorry its so long after I went to see them but other things got in the way.
Until next time.

Some pictures -

Yeah this was taken on my phone so it's a bit blurry.

My mum always seems to take a picture of me, serious face. I think I still have the photo from the first paramore show. I was red in the face from screaming with excitement. 

Still into you

So today I want to talk to you about paramore. This band. Its hard to explain. Okay so I went to see Paramore at the royal albert hall in the RNIB box and if you want a review of that I have one on the CVI Society. So I have seen paramore 3 times, I wish it were more, but each time beats the last. There shows are something to be seen. They bring a sense of unity and joy. Like all troubles are left at the door.  As everyone can probably guess, they are my favourite band, have been since I was 12. There music is something I can always come back to and has helped me through a lot of hard times. Great pun Sophie. So witty. For me paramore are one of those occasions you cant pinpoint the moment, like the moment I first started listening to them or when I started to really like them. I just remember afterwards if that makes sense. I do know it was around the time I started getting into Twilight, I know but I loved them not just because of that. I remember visiting my brother when he first moved up north, it was just my mum and I and we were going out to dinner with him and his family. We ended up going shopping and I found Brand New Eyes. I know I listened to their albums backwards. I can't remember how I got riot. Then about a year later I got All We Know Is Falling as a secret santa present from one of my classmates.  In 2010 I was originally going to go to t4 on the beach, if you don't know what that is where were you? But I ended up being really ill so I ended up not going and having to sell my tickets. But around August/September Paramore announced they were touring and would play the 02 arena. I came home from school one day to a note pinned to my wardrobe. My mum had brought tickets. I mean I flipped out. When we went to the concert we actually ended up being really late, we missed f.u.n and we nearly missed B.O.B. Who when Hayley Williams came out to sing Airplanes I just started screaming. Like good screaming. I mean when paramore came on to perform I preceded to scream the whole concert. The people next to me were laughing because I was so excited. Safe to say I have gotten better at going to concerts. But an amazing thing about Paramore and something that I have always admired, is there ability to carry on. As a month after was when Josh and Zac left, which at the concert you would never have known. And it later transpired that it was something planned for a year before hand. I admired there ability to still put on a good show and you never knowing off these great tensions. I mean there was tension but you would not of guessed it would have ended in half  the band leaving.

I did wonder if paramore would continue and they did. Jeremy, Taylor and Hayley went and created the self titled era which I think after brand new eyes was exactly what was needed. I needed it. As at the time was when things kind of exploded in my life and I was picking up the pieces. Almost mirroring the situation of the band, their world had exploded and they needed to pick up the pieces. I loved the interludes. They almost had a hopefulness to them that I needed at the time. There was still pain but learning to move forward.

I went with my best friend to see paramore the next time they came back. 3 years later. I remember people used to question why I liked this band. People used to think I was strange. But they were a constant. School was not. I ended up making my friend a big fan of them. So we went and again you would never have told of any inner turmoil of the band.
Then about a year after, Jeremy left the band. To be honest I didnt really look into why he left. I know there is a legal case and to be honest thats really sad. For everyone involved.
That was when I really wondered whether paramore would come back and well they took 4 years out. In that time I grew up a lot and in terms of paramore Zac came back. They seemed to tease Zac's presence on the album and then when the announcement that he was joining paramore again. I was thrilled. I've always thought, besides my own brother. He is one of the best drummers I've heard.
Then soon after there was After Laughter. I feel although its beat it peppier, the lyrics are almost heavier then self titled era. Its almost like they've realised that they might never let go of the pain of the past so they're learning to deal with it.
I watched the beats interview and it was so fascinating hearing similar problems with friends and being your own person. Finding your place. It was something a lot of people struggle with. Losing friends and dealing with that. Depression and anxiety. Seeing this band you've kind of grown up with, its nice to see them deal with them. That it only makes you human. Then the fader interview came out with Hayley and it almost reiterated why I love this band. I find it hard to sum up. But then again I wrote all this so yknow there are some words.

I guess thats all I have to say really. This is my gushing about Paramore. If anyone tells you what you like is stupid or weird. Punch them in the face. No don't do that I'm kidding!! Know that that passion is unique and that love is amazing. What makes you different is amazing. As my mum often says to me, its what makes you you. And it would be pretty boring if we were all the same. Its true when Paramore calls it a family. I feel a part of something. Cringe I know. One day though that uniqueness and passion will help and work in your favour. It will give you something amazing. So don't let anyone tell you crap about anything if its important and special to you. Being different is cool. Being you is the only person you can be.
Hope you enjoyed because I did! I could talk about Paramore, and Orphan Black for hours, days even!

* So I wrote this right after I went to see Paramore and before news broke that Chester Bennington from Linking Park tragically committed suicide. Mental health is a serious issue, worldwide. Bands and music are a way of dealing and coping for some people but we must not forget about the mental health of the band itself. Nobody knows what happens behind closed doors, for anybody. We need to end the stigma, which I think we are slowly doing. But also offering better help and giving people advice. Before its too late.  And if you are struggling with your mental health. There is help out there.
