Thursday, 31 December 2015

End of one chapter, The beginning of the next

Hi, yes this is one of those customary happy new year posts! I'm hoping to have this up on New Year's Day (fingers crossed). 2015 has been a good year for me, granted I can't remember a lot of it, memory problems. That's what I like about this blog, I write things down and then if I can't remember it, I can read it on here. Now I'm going off point, great job Sophie.
But yes 2015 has been a good year, I started my IGCSES, which is something I have always wanted to do. Coming from a special school, I don't think they expected enough from us, they wrap us in bubble wrap giving us no world experience and not much of a qualification to further you in life. Don't get me wrong half of my school life was great, but having seen how homeschooling has bettered my life it's given me a different perspective. 
2015 has been the year I've met some new friends, had new experiences, and travelled the country. 
At the start of the year I was just starting getting help from Kirsty and blind children uk, I went to a guide dogs experience day. I got to walk with an actual guide dog!  2015 has been the year I accepted I needed help with my visual impairment and that yes it's ok to be visually impaired and for people to know it. If people have an issue with it, that's their problem. 

I have loved this year because we went to see my brother up north, they came down here as well. I also saw my oldest brother this year and his children. It's been a year of family.  Although it has been a toughie as well since my sisters new baby had a medical emergency. But whilst it may be an issue to be faced in the future, its definitely a year for family. 

We got Pearl this year, it's crazy to think she's only been here this year. Same with my cats, it feels like they've been here forever. Although at moments it felt like Pearl would have to go, after an incident with my cat. But things have gotten better and I wouldn't have my pets any other way, although I am still a mad cat lady! Lol.

I went to one premiere and two concerts this year. the Insurgent premier was so much fun and a great day. I can finally say I met Hazel from Tfios! Also meeting Shailene and Theo was amazing. I met some amazing people at that premiere that I'm happy to say are now my friends( sometimes I wonder why they want to be my friends!). I went to see one direction in London and had an amazing time, so much so my mum and I went again. Sheffield was amazing, it was the first time I had used my long cane and also the first time using it outside of my local town. It was great, people were great. 
The concert is something I will hold dearly forever, whether they return or not, I will always be able to say I was there at their last concert. I cherish the memories even if getting to that point hadn't been a walk in the park, lol!

In this year I feel more confident in my writing on this blog, also some of my posts have been seen by some of my favourite authors. Fangirl moments did ensue. I'm looking to bettering my writing on here and bettering my posts. I mean I'd like to also start a youtube channel in the new year. 

I also after about 3 years of going to CAMHS, I was finally discharged in June marking the end of a long journey for me. My mental health has been a tough thing. I have anxiety and always will, mental health problems don't go away, you just get better at dealing with them.  When I first started going to CAMHS I was not happy, I was depressed and on the brink of suicide.But it's amazing to be able to say things change and things do get better. Like I said anxiety is something I will probably live with but I've accepted that. I still have my issues but I am okay. I'm happy a good portion of the time. 
I've even done quite well at my new years resolutions set this time last year,
1. Do more charity work: I'm currently trying to organise to raise money for 'dreams come true', which is a small charity who granted my wish to meet one direction. 2. To make this a good year!3. Go to more premieres and concerts, I love movie premieres and I've met some great friends through them and I've met some lovely celebrity's *cough* Danny from mcfly! But also I think through meeting people at premieres and concerts has made me more confident in a sense and has given me a sense of the world outside. I've already got some concerts lined up and I hope to go to the Insurgent premiere in London!
So I'm still working on the charity work, i'm arranging it at the moment for spring/summer time so I will write more about what I'm planning to do nearer the time. I went to more premiers and concerts. My last one was to make 2015 a good year and well I think I did that. 2/3 not too bad for me I'd say.
So this year I don't really have any new years resolutions except
1. Be happy 
2. Do more charity work
3.Be more confident and believe in myself. Be kinder to myself.
Yeah lets see if I can do those, Fingers crossed. I would of put read more books or get better at blog post deadlines but I want to actually hopefully keep to my new years resolutions, and I don't think I would be able to achieve those two. LOL!

So yes 2015 has been a good year for me, a few down moments, but overall it's been good. Ask others from my family they may care to disagree but everyone has different issues that others may not see. I'm happy to say this year has been good. 
I'm looking forward to 2016, I'm 18! I'm going to see Adele with my mum and I'm going to Yalc. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with this blog. I'm not saying it's going to be perfect but as long as it's a happy year, with my family and friends then I'm good.

I hope your year has been good. 
What will 2016 bring you? I hope it's great and good things.
Until next time 

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Taylor Swift Book Tag Part 2

Hello its me, no this is not the start of a bad Adele pun. Its part 2 of the Taylor Swift Book Tag!
Well hows everyone's week been? I hope you enjoyed part 1. Part 2 is a little different because instead of having the song title and choosing a book that goes with it, its a lyric from the song and you have to pick a book that goes with it. Hope that makes sense!

Once again this tag is created by Sarah Jane at The Bookish Life on YouTube. I hope you enjoy this post and once again I would love to hear your opinions on the books I've picked, or if you have recommendations on books. Because lets be real I love it when I find books that I love.
Also do say if you like this tag because it will make me feel like I can do tags. If you would like to do this tag as well, especially if you have done part 1, feel free.
Finally lets do a round of a applause for my structure and time keeping, I've managed to get this done by the time I said I would! *claps*
So I hope you enjoy.
Also side note: all the images are from Google images/Goodreads unless stated in the caption bar.

Question 1
Shake It Off - 'Haters gonna hate hate hate' Which book criticism do you shake off regardless of what people think? The Divergent Series.

I love that book, its still one of my favourites. Same with the movie, I love the movie I think it's personally a good adaption of the source material. I really love the series, nobody can say a bad word on this series. I mean I know Allegiant was a bit dodgy, but looking back you can see that was a good ending. Personally I think it takes guts to kill off your main character so I give props to Veronica Roth for that.

Question 2
I know Places - 'Loose lips sink ships all the damn time' Which ship did you set your heart on, only to watch it sink? Alina and the Darkling.

 I mean I really liked them two as a couple, even when in the first book The Darkling's true nature is revealed I still really shipped them as a couple. But no it sunk! I also don't like Mal and Alina as a couple, I've not felt that chemistry really. Whereas with the Darkling and Alina I felt a spark.

Question 3
I personally love this sketch of Karou
Wonderland - 'We found wonderland, you and I got lost in it.' Which character would you like to take with you to another land? Karou and I would go to Ravka from the Grisha trilogy.

I feel that Alina and Karou are very similar and she would cope really well. I mean I just think it would be so cool.

Question 4
Wildest Dreams - 'He's so bad but he does it so well.' Which character do you love, not in spite of their darkness, but because of their darkness? Do I really need to answer this? I feel this is so obvious, Luca from Vendetta.

Like I said in my review for Vendetta, which if you want to read it here is the link (shameless promo),Luca is my bae. Like he's the freaking underboss of his family's part of the Mafia. And yet it gives him an edge. Everyone loves a bad boy and I am not apologizing for it!

Question 5
Out of the Woods - 'When you started crying baby I did too.' Name a time when you cried with a fictional character.

Okay now this answer isn't directly fitting the question but I picked a time that broke my heart and it was traumatizing for the characters too. I'm talking about chapter 41 in Days of Blood and Starlight. I mean this book I feel that I haven't even finished it yet but already there are so many moments where I just well up. Chapter 41 is no different but for me its equally my favourite chapter and my worst. My best because the way it is written is beautiful and gets you choked up. The worst because I was full on crying reading it. Which when its 1am and your crying is always a bit dodgy because you don't want to wake everyone up because your grief from a book was too much. Haha. I'd love to hear if you have read Days of Blood and Starlight and had the same response to chapter 41 as me. Well not just chapter 41 but pretty much the whole book! This book has messed with my emotions!

Question 6
Clean - 'The drought was the very worst.' Which book feels/felt like the longest wait ever?
Angel Fever.

Angel Fever was the last book of the trilogy and I was in love with the series. Only problem was that, the release date kept getting pushed back. So when I finally got it, it felt like I'd waited forever.

Question 7
Bad Blood - 'Band aids don't fix bullet holes.' Pick a book that gave you the most painful of feels.
When I was thinking of answers, I thought I would go with The Fault in Our Stars for this but to be honest I didn't pick it, I mean its a good book, it just didn't give me all the feels. I have got two answers for this though. The Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy and Vendetta.

Both of these books gave me painful feels. The Summer I Turned Pretty Series was the kind of heartache from first love and just love. I feel I can relate to the series. I mean the heart to hearts between Conrad and Belly just caused me so many feels. Also the kiss in the car, I mean I think my heart skipped a literal beat because my heart ached for them.
Vendetta caused me pain for the same reason as The Summer I Turned Pretty but also because I read it and it was the first book that surprised me. I mean most books I can kinda see where it's going(which I don't mind) but Vendetta I couldn't begin to guess what was going to happen next and the shocks were genuine shocks for me. I mean I just love that book and I know I've said this so many times now but I know I'm going to love Inferno just as much maybe even more.

Question 8
Blank Space - 'Lets be friends, I'm dying to see how this one ends' Which final book in a series/trilogy were you most nervous about reading? I again have two choices for this. The Starcrossed trilogy by Josephine Angelini and The Angel Fever by L.A Weatherly.

These two trilogies I was quite nervous and anxious about reading because where the second book in each of them left off left it quite open. Also the description of them where quite ambiguous in hinting if it would be a good ending or not. Most series's last books I always get nervous and anxious as to whether it will be a good ending or if I am going to be satisfied with the ending.

Last Question!!!

Question 9
Style (my personal favourite from the 1989 album) - 'Cos we never go out of style'
Which 3 authors writing style do you love?
Oh come on this is like asking parents who their favourite child is! But I have made a choice!
I love, like literally love Laini Taylors writing style. The way she writes is just magic and the world building is amazing. The emotions I felt reading Days of Blood and Starlight, I was happy one minute and sobbing the next. You connect with her characters. I also feel you can relate to some of the scenes to real life, it may just be me but it felt like there were moments that if you took away the fantasy element of it, it could relate to real life. To things that go on around the world, things like war and poverty and slavery.
Other authors I love are, Josephine Angelini, Jenny Han, Leigh Bardugo, Catherine Doyle and Jandy Nelson. Like I said its so difficult to choose.

That was part 2 of the Taylor Swift Book Tag!

Okay so I was on time to finish this for last Monday and then I started feeling unwell again! Then I became busy with my Igcse work so finishing this I guess you could say fell to the back of the list. But I'm sort of feeling better now, and I wanted to finish this to be up before Christmas.
On life news, I went to a Christmas Home Educated disco on Wednesday afternoon which was nice. We took my niece Daisy and she loved it, she seemed to take a liking to one of the boys from the Home Educated Group for Teens that I go to. It was quite funny and nice as well. I struggle with discos to be honest as normally its quite dark and foggy so I cant see clearly. I just sat down the whole time because I couldn't navigate my way round and I didn't want to knock any of the children over.  I probably looked bored to be honest but I just stuck by my mum because discos are also quite loud so for someone who can't see and rely's more on hearing to then not be able to hear well is quite disorientating.  But watching Daisy was entertaining enough for me!

Also its Christmas Eve when you read this, AHH! Its weird this year, it doesn't seem like Christmas but I almost like it this way its more laid back. No one is that bothered in my house about waking up early this year. I like the calmness of it this year.  Although I do admit I have spent a lot of time watching those end of the year countdown programs and Nativity and Nativity 2! I also can't wait for Big fat quiz of the year, its almost like a tradition in our house, we watch it every year. I also this year definitely think I'm more prepared, I had all my Christmas shopping done by the first week of December so there was no last minute gift wrap buying like last year. I also haven't spent half as much as I did last year, which I'm quite proud of. I think I overspent last year, as much as its nice spending lots of money on loved ones sometimes its just not plausible. Especially if you have your brothers and your birthday the next month. And even more so if your buying a mac book for yourself for your birthday. I'm sure though that my family will love what I bought them big or small. Like the saying goes its the thought that counts and also Christmas is not just for gifts, its for spending time with family.

So with that, I wish you all a merry Christmas, and if you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays.
Until next time,

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Taylor Swift Part 1 Book Tag

Sorry about the silence on here, between not feeling well and working on my IGCSE's, its been hard to find the time or energy. But today/tonight I'm back and I'm doing something exciting.
Okay maybe not exciting but its not a concert blog or a shopping haul, although I did go shopping today and well lets just say I went a tad bit over board. But hey I have pretty much completed all my christmas present shopping. Some may call it early but I call it foreward planning! But yes now I am rambling. So today I am doing the Taylor Swift Book Tag! I have before said I am, in my opinion rubbish at tags, but weirdly enough I enjoy doing them. But if they are completely rubbish do say because I won't do them again, then again I have found though that I always say that.

But yes I am doing the Taylor Swift Book Tag, this tag was created by Sarah Jane at The Book Life on YouTube. It is also in 2 parts which is also part of 'my sorry I've been silent on here' present. So this post will be up by Wednesday and then I'm going to put part 2 up by Monday. Yes I am going for a bit of structure and organization, wish me luck! So this tag is the names of the songs from Taylor Swift's Red album and you have to pick a book that relates to it. I am just putting it out there that I am sure most people have done this tag (I am just late to the party, as usual) and I also can't think of anyone to tag, well more like I don't know anyone to tag, so if you want to do this tag, feel free.
Hope you enjoy.

Question 1
We are never ever ever getting back together. - Pick a book or series that you were pretty sure you were in love with but then you wanted to break up with.
Okay this is a toughie, but i'm going to have to say the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitspatrick.

Now I read this series not long after Twilight and I was not as, how do I put this, well read. If that makes sense, I mean in the sense I hadn't read many books that weren't Cathy Cassidy books. Yes I loved those books and would like to reread them one day. Now i'm going off topic, nice move Sophie. So I read Hush Hush, Crescendo and Silence and by the time I had finished Silence I was getting into books like The Hunger Games. I really liked the way Silence finished and my Aunt, who actually had read the books and recomended them to me, and I didn't think there was another book coming, we thought the series was finished. Foreward about a year or two and there is a 4th book which is called Finale. I just didn't see the need for it and I have actually tried to re read them but I feel now I am older and have read a ton more books since that I just don't love it like I used to. I probably will finish the series and read Finale as I do actually own it but just not anytime in the near future.

That was long winded.

Question 2
Red - A book with a red cover.
Dreamless by Josephine Angelini. 

I love this book, I love this series. Its one of my all time favourite series. Its the second book in the Starcrossed trilogy. If you like Gods and Goddesses and Greek mythology, this is a good series. Especially if you like a romantic element as well.

Question 3
The Best Day - A book that makes you feel nostalgic.
Okay I have two choices for this and my first one would have to be Twilight.
Sorry about the cover looking so tatty,
 the plastic cover has pretty much all come off ,
leaving it looking quite battered. 

 Yes I love twilight. Yes I know a lot of people hate it but for me Twilight has, I dont want to use the cliche term of changed my life but it sort of has. I found my favourite band ever, Paramore through it. I now go to premieres because of it and have met people who without this book series I never would have met. In that sense it makes me feel nostalgic and also I have never really since marathoned a set of books (and the movies) quite like I did with The Twilight Saga. Also it has given my aunt and I a common interest and it bought us closer

My second choice is any Cathy Cassidy book.
These are probably all of my favourite Cathy Cassidy books.
 This was the first set of books that I really fell in love with and really gave me a love for reading. Like I said in the first question I would love to one day go back and reread those books because they are for me what made me fall in love with reading and very nostalgic for me. Some people had Harry Potter, I had Cathy Cassidy books.

Question 4
Love Story - A book with forbidden love.
Okay this is going to go along with my answer to question 2. 
My answer is Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini.

 I love the romance in this book, how at first the two love interests hate each other and then they love each other. Now before you worry that there is some insta-love going on, that is not the case. I dont want to spoil the book if you have yet to read it, but it has a lot to do with greek mythology. I love this book series.

Question 5
I knew you were trouble - A book with a bad character that you couldn't help but love.
Again I have two choices and I feel like if you have seen my GoodReads posts, you will know who they are.  They are Luca from Vendetta and The Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy.
Photo credit for this amazing picture of the Darkling goes to

 I just love them, I don't care that one is the under boss of his family's clan in the Mafia and the other is  power crazed and hell bent on ruling the land and getting revenge on everyone. Y'know what I think that's what I like, the fact they are quite dark. And I'm not apologizing for it! Haha!

Question 6
Innocent - Pick a book that someone ruined the ending for

I mean I was spoiled for the big Tris spoiler and I was devastated. So much so I actually put of reading it until this year. So I was on twitter one day after Allegiant had been released and I saw it, the spoiler and just was like no, that doesnt really happen does and I saw it again and again so I knew it was true. So now if theres a book being released that I don't want to be spoiled on I either don't go on twitter until I have read said book or limit my twitter time.

Question 7
Everything Has Changed - A character who goes through extensive development.

This character I feel I don't talk about enough is Sophie (Persephone) from Vendetta. 

I feel at the start of the book she is lost because her father is in jail for murder. Herself and her mother are outcasted due to that and she only has one friend. I mean don't get me wrong I think she is confident in herself and with her life. By the end of the book Sophie is mature but still lost but in a different sense. Lost because everything she thought was the truth is actually lies. I also feel she is brave and strong especially in the last half of the book. I also like the character development of Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Just thought I'd add that in hehe.

Question 8
You belong with me - Your most anticipated book release.
Does this really need an answer because I feel like everyone can guess this but it would have to be, the one book I have ever pre ordered, Inferno by Catherine Doyle.

Question 9
Forever and Always - Your favourite book couple.
Now I have two choices for this and I feel like one of these is a modern choice and the other is more of a classic choice. So my modern choice is Belly and Conrad from The Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy. 

I love Belly and Conrad, because I feel its just really lovely and to be honest I didn't like Jeremiah. I thought Conrad really loved Belly although he may not have gone about it the right way, It almost broke my heart when Conrad said he loved Belly.  Yeah I'm getting way to into this.
My classic couple is Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. 

I feel from the moment they meet you can tell these two were meant for each other. The debate and sparring between them, heightens the feeling of these two are a match intellectually, mentally and physically. Once the whole Mr Wickham drama is out the way and they finally engage in friendly manners it is apparent that these two make an amazing partnership and marriage.

Final Question!!!
Question 10

Come back, be here - A book least likely to be lent out for fear of missing it too much.

I think this question would be easier if I said the books that I would lend out. Haha. I dont really lend my books out for a few reasons other then missing them on my bookshelf, I don't want people to destroy my book or incase I never get it back. But also because I don't have many people to lend books to really. But the books I would never lend out are Vendetta, the divergent series( especially as I have a copy of insurgent which is signed), The Grisha Trilogy, The Lunar Chronicles, The Starcrossed series, The Angel Fire Series, The Hunger Games Trilogy, The Twilight Saga ( because one of my Breaking Dawn copies is signed), Daughter of Smoke and Bones Trilogy, Pride and Prejudice and finally, The Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy and The Fault in Our Stars. Like I said It would have been easier naming the books I don't mind lending out, although a lot of that list I don't like lending out because they are either signed or are quite rare covers that aren't really available any more.

Phew that was a lot of questions, I hope you enjoyed it, I did. Lol.
I am aiming to have the part 2 to this tag up next Sunday-Monday, I hope.
Now since I haven't been feeling great, it has taken a knock on my reading so I am still reading Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor. I must admit I love that book, its so beautifully written and the world building is amazing. I will then move on to Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas.
Also on a book note, I now have my tickets for YALC (Young Adult Literature Convention) at London Film and Comic Con next year. I am so excited for it as I had a day ticket this year but it clashed with my library volunteering so I couldn't go. I am going with my mum and my brother, as he's always saying he wants to come on what my mum calls 'our little jollies, so now he is. I also want to try and start collecting the Funko Pop Heads so I'm hoping to find those at LFCC. If you are interested in attending YALC or LFCC, here's the link for tickets -
Also on a book note I have signed up to a book subscription service called Illumicrate. Now Illumicrate is where you get a box of bookish goodies, they are also based in the UK. So if you are from the UK and sign up for Illumicrate, you can get free postage which is one of the reasons why I have never bought a subscription box before because the postage and customs would just be too much. If you would like to find out more about Illumicrate and maybe buy a subscription, here's the link -
So I hope you enjoyed this post, keep an eye out for part 2 on Monday.
So until then.
Thanks for reading,

Monday, 7 December 2015

One Direction in Sheffield

I'm back from Sheffield and I just need to take a minute to appreciate the fact I saw One Direction for possibly the last time in a while. *breathe and silently sob*

Okay I'm good now, so as you know I went to Sheffield over the weekend to see One Direction on what was their last tour date before their break. It was such a wirlwind of a weekend.
We got the 1:20 virgin train to Doncaster, which we have been to before when I went to 5 seconds of summer in Manchester a few years back with my mum and aunt. Then my mum and I got a train from Doncaster to Sheffield. Then arriving in Sheffield station we got a taxi to our hotel, the Hilton Sheffield at 3:10-3:20ish. So we then went to check in so I sat down while my mum checked in, also there was a 10 people strong queue behind us. So apparently our room wasn't ready, and to come back in 40 minutes. So we went to get a drink from the bar as the Costa in the hotel was closed. So we went to the bar and the reception had given us a coupon that let us get a free drink from the bar. Then we went back to reception and where the queue seemed even longer than last time, a few faces we saw earlier were there as well. So we finally got the key to our room only when we got to our room, it had someone else's belongings in, so we asked the cleaner if that was right. she said to go back down, so down we went and said that they had given us someone elses room and we got a new room. So back up in the lift we went to our room only when we went to open the door with the card, it didn't open the door, so we asked the cleaner again who let us in, but it meant my mum had to go back down to sort the key card out. But finally we had a room! As it took quite a while to finally get a room, our plans to go in the swimming pool were scrapped. We were so rushed for time we had to get ready to go out again.
My outfit and makeup, which did not sting my eyes this time, score one for me!
So when we were ready, we got a taxi to the arena. The taxi driver was really nice and helpful telling us tips on how to get a taxi at the end of the concert.
I bought the glow ears that I didn't get at the 02, and we went in to the arena. We bought some snacks because we hadnt had much to eat besides the pizza I made the night before, which was delicious if you wanted to know, which I had on the train. 
So then we headed to our seats. I personally love Sheffield arena, the staff were lovely and helpful, especially with helping us to our seats because the lights had gone down so my stick was much needed. But they were all very helpful and my mum and I have decided to go back there and see something, especially as it was a smaller arena. Also it was just the arena and one stand to get food if that makes sense, not like the 02 where you have a vast amount of places to eat , which can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. Almost too much of a choice.
So first up was Jamie Lawson, there wasn't long to wait from when we first got our seats actually.
He sung the same songs as when I had seen him at the 02, although this time some people were crying when More Than This was sung(and no I'm not talking about me!)
So next up was One Direction and well they were amazing, they seemed a lot more relaxed and laid back. Almost as if they knew this was the time to go out with a bang! Surronded by friends, family and the fans. They seemed like they knew tonight was special for many a reason. A stand out moment was definitly when the melody of Act My Age came on, all the friends and family down the side of the stage lead by Liams dad did the conga and everyone joined in, for 7 times! It was almost like it was time for them to just have fun. Especially as the night before an article claiming Louis and Harry are one of the key reasons for the break. Now I'm not saying that the article was the truth but what I saw on stage was just 4 young men coming back to where they started and giving the crowd a memory they will never forget, not to dwell on the articles that had claimed things, to just revel in the here and the now. That what happens after doesn't matter as long as they,and the crowd had the time of their lives and may have left any baggage or worries behind for just that night. There's a quote from the perks of being a wallflower that I personally think sums up that night for me, “And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.” 
So that was it the last concert, I nearly teared up but I didn't because for me it wasn't meant to be sad, it was meant to be fun, a moment to treasure because you never know if you'll get that moment again.

So once the concert was over we exited the arena, and after asking the security were to get a taxi from, what was our best bet, we were directed to the pub across  the road. So we rung the number we had used earlier only they had a waiting line and when I got through they said it would be an hour and to ring back then. It was half 11. We were surronded by people who had just been to see One Direction and had been getting the same response from taxi companys. Flash forward to half 12, we were all still standing there, the pub staff were ringing to see if they would fare better. Some of the people were there as a family night out and the little girls were crying worrying they were never going to get home. So people started flagging cabs down who had someone to pick up at the pub but ironically never actually picked the right person up. A lot of the mums were getting angry with the cab drivers. So when we had an opportunity to get a cab, I thought someone whose going to the same hotel might as well join me and my mum. So we ended up sharing a taxi to the hotel with these two girls from Manchester getting to our hotel at about 1:30am. Hooray! Then my mum and I stood outside before we headed in having a chat with this guy, telling us about how tourists like us are helping keep Sheffield going. Then we headed in and soon as we got to our room, my mum and I went to sleep.
Now I love the people up north, they are really friendly and when I turned up with my stick nobody was that bothered by it and they were really nice about it and helpful. Each time I have been up north either visting family or going for fun I have always loved the people. They just seem warm and open, They don't seem fazed by difference and are always helpful. Not saying people down south arent friendly but they just seem a bit less open. Like the other day I was down my local town centre with my brother and he kept saying people keep looking at my stick.  They weren't so forthcoming to moving out the way of my stick. Whereas when I was in Sheffield, they didn't create a big deal and to be honest I didn't feel stared at. I felt a part of the crowd, which for me is weird, because I, up until recently, hated the idea of using the long cane in public. Whether I be in my wheelchair or my cane, people have just been more welcoming up north.

So after that long speech, we went to Meadowhall in Sheffield. Both my mum and I were knackered, so first we headed into Urban Outfitters, which is a place that I wish I could buy quite a few things in! but I did actually buy a mason jar type tumbler in pink which I have used frequently but a problem about it is the lid is so hard to screw on. I also bought a mug that says 'Most days I wish I was a cat.', which pretty much sums me up on a mug.

Then we went in waterstones and surprise surprise, I bought books! I feel like for me though I was quite tame! I bought Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo, the second book in the Grisha trilogy. I also bought Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, yes it was definitely a Leigh Bardugo book day! I also bought Snow like Ashes by Sarah Raasch. I'm definitely expanding my fantasy reading! I also got a discount on my books which I shouldn't have got because I got talking to the lady at the cashier, it turned out she had just started reading the first book in the grisha trilogy. Because I was such a bookworm, she gave me a discount! So thank you Liv if you read this, I hope you enjoyed Shadow and Bone. A lovely little touch I loved about the Waterstones there was they had written on the chalkboard behind the counter what each of the staff members were reading. Which I thought was such a nice touch.
We then ventured across lush, who when you looked in the store was packed. I had a lovely lady show me the massage bars, which I had seen and wanted to try but I wasn't sure. But I decided to try one so I bought Pearl. I have tried it once but I wasn't totally sold but I'm going to try it out a bit more lol. I also bought Cinder, Golden Wonder and Intergalactic which I have wanted to buy for quite a while now, so I bought 2. I have since used one of the Intergalactic bath bath bombs and i'm in love, it has fast become one of my favourites. I also bought a small bottle of snow fairy because I bought the small bottle last year and it has lasted me a long time. Something that I couldnt find was the So White bath bomb so I will be buying that off there website next chance I get.
I also went in HMV and bought Little Mix's album Salute.
I then went into the apple store, which I was really excited about as for my birthday, I am buying myself a macbook! So I wanted to go in and get a general idea of what I want and need, because there are many different versions and for me I find it quite overwhelming to know what will be best suited for me. So now I know, I will be getting a Mac book Pro, I'm also planning on getting Final Cut Pro for it as well. The staff in the Apple store were so nice, especially this lady, who helped me find a stool to sit on, because it was mega busy. But she also answered a lot of my questions before finding someone to answer my questions about the differences in macs, The lovely lady also mentioned she was an accesibilty advisor (something along those lines), so helped with things in regards to software you might need on your macbook, which I thought was such a cool thing because to have someone trained in software needs perhaps more specialised is always helpful. Counting down the days until I can buy it now!
So now we just went in to Whsmith as I want to try the adult colouring books, because I love colouring, so I bought some colouring pens. I bought pens instead of pencils because for me they are easier to see.
Finally with my mum and I both shopped out, we went to mcdonalds as we were both starving because we had hardly eaten anything since the concert.

So then we got our suitcase out of the locker,which is a pretty neat idea, and got the train back to Sheffield station to then get a train to Doncaster, while waiting I saw a guide dog which is always cool to see, and then my dad picked my mum and I up after getting off the the virgin train and then we went home. I was shattered but Pearl was so excited to see my mum and I. Then I went to bed.

I just want to say sorry about the pause in posts, I've been feeling pretty ill and still do and I am on medication but I am going back to the doctors. I also was going to post this last friday as Made in the A.M was finally released to coincide with it but then the sad events around the world happened and it just didn't feel right.  But it is up now so I hope you like it.

On a happier note, I have decided after my almost trip to Yalc (which is at london film and comic con), the young adult literature convention, I will be going this coming year. Which I am so excited for because I did get tickets for the Saturday this year but I forgot I had a volunteering shift at the library and since it was my first shift I didn't want to cancel it. So I couldn't go.
Also Made in the A.M is so good, I feel its some of One Direction's best work. Adele's album is out as well which I am so excited for because Adele is Adele. Her voice is just amazing, my mum and I have sworn if she does a concert, we have to get tickets.
Thanks for reading, hopefully I can kick this being ill, and be more active, because I have a ton of posts to finish.
until next time

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The social media book tag

Hi first up I know it's been a while since I last posted on here but I had I guess you could say writers block. I just really didn't have any ideas and then I got ill,as in a cold and cough ill . But today I busted out my writers block! I watch a lot of book tag videos on YouTube and I really wanted to do some on here! So that's what this is its ...... The social media book tag! I am also doing the Taylor Swift book tag which will be a two parter, which will be up soon! (fingers crossed!)

I am really bad at tags because I am a terribly indecisive person, also due to the fact I know nobody to tag to do it. Also I think these tags are slightly old but yknow that doesn't matter, at least I hope it doesn't. Lol. So I think rather than tag a bunch of people, I tag anybody who wants to do it!

This tag was created by Faulty Devices on YouTube and then Ariel Bisset changed some of the questions a bit so I will be doing the modified version. If it's terrible and really long, sorry and just a disclaimer, I am a massively indecisive person. 

So the first question is .....

Twitter- Your favourite short book?

To that I say... Fallen in love by Lauren Kate. It's a novella in the Fallen series, which was bought out for Valentin's day a couple of years ago. It's set in the time space between the end of 3rd book Passion and the final book Rapture. And it's a bunch of short stories with the theme of love about a bunch of the characters.

Facebook- a book everyone pressured you to read.

And for that I would have to say....A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas. I had seen so many reviews saying how great it was, so I thought I would see if it was as good as the reviews were saying.

Tumblr- a book that you read before it was cool

Now I have two choices for this one (like I said I'm indecisive)
The first would have to be Cinder by Marissa Meyer, I remember reading this not long after it first came out and before the sequels were out and before everyone started raving about them.
My second would have to be the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I remember I was on YouTube one day, must of been 2010, I came across a fan made trailer for a set of books called the Hunger Games . It was after I had read Twilight so I was looking for my next book to fall in love with. I watched the trailer and I knew I had to read those books. It was just before there was talks about making them into movies I believe. I even have the The Hunger Games book in an edition that I'm not sure they do anymore. 

MySpace - a book you can't remember if you liked or not. 

A Witch in Winter by Ruth Warburton (sorry). I can't remember whether I liked because I found it a bit slow and I think it took me quite a while to finish it. Then again I liked the concept of it being about witches and I think it was set in England?

Instagram- a book so beautiful that you had to Instagram it.
 Now I don't actually have Instagram but my answer to this is... 
Daughter Of Smoke And Bone by Laini Taylor, I love the cover and I know that America has a different cover but personally I love this version and if I had or planed to get Instagram, I would be taking a picture of it.

YouTube- a book you wish would be turned into a movie.

The Summer I Turned Pretty series by Jenny Han, I love that book series and whenever I reread it I can imagine it as a movie, I also always image shailene woodly as Belly. I don't know why I just always picture her as she was in the decendants as Belly. Obviously I picture myself as well! Lol!

And the last question is,  
Goodreads- a book you recommend to everyone.

This is the easiest one, Vendetta by Catherine Doyle. It has to be one of my favourite books of all time, and that's a bold claim. I already have recommended it to anyone who will listen! So anyone who hadsnt read it, go read it and we can be friends and talk about it!

So this was my Social Media book tag I hope you enjoyed it! 
On a side note, I actually have a journal to now plan posts in to try and get it more organised! As I have a lot of posts that I'm currently writing up I should be more active on here as the past week I haven't been so active. It's just been busy as I've had sort my things out from Sheffield, going to a home education group that my brother and I go to and then I'm still doing my life skills type thing with blind children uk only now I have two new people instead of Kirsty. It's been all go and for the past week and a bit I've been ill so yeah! I hope you liked this post, weirdly enough I enjoy book tags, it gets my brain thinking lol, even though I think they suck. Also writers block is terrible. But yes now I'm rambling. I have a post on concert tips and advice which I'm also hoping to have up soon! Yeah until I get this whole organised thing down a lot of my posts will be up soon. Hahahaha! 
Thanks for reading
Until next time

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

A Shake up of my TBR List....

Hi there, I have shaken up my TBR List after another failure in my shrinking my 'To Be Read Shelf'. So fingers crossed this works.
But first!! I will tell you about the book I did read and about the book I am currently reading. Also since we're shaking it up a little I thought I'd show you a tv show that I have recently started watching and loving!!!

So the book I did manage to complete in September is ....
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo!
I personally loved this book, I felt after reading A Court Of Thorns And Roses it was what I needed, to prove that it wasn't just I don't do fantasy books. No offence! I really enjoyed the pace of the book. Now after my issues with Feyre, I was very cautious with Alina but I really liked her and thought she was quite bad ass. I didn't really get her love for Mal though, I mean I get she loved him I just found it very one sided, but then again it was first person narrated. I just didn't see  that Mal was interested in nothing more than friendship. The Darkling though, I loved the Darkling even when he was at his worst, I just really liked him. Oops. Also I didn't feel any kind of connection with Mal, like it was almost like he just faded into the backround. I was just felt a bit meh with him. (great describing there I know!)
Two characters I found really well rounded and quite interesting were Baghra and Genya, their reasons for doing things I found fascinating. I just found them very interesting characters. I have the 2nd and 3rd books on my bookshelf which I can't wait to read!

The book that I am currently reading is .....

Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen!!!
I am really loving this book, I'm about 70% through this book so I will probably spend the rest of October finishing this book. I love Elizabeth Bennett, her wit and sarcasm. She seems ahead of her time in a sense. I'm loving her relationship with Mr Darcy, how they bounce off each other and they both give as good as they get with each other. I also really liked Mr Bingley and Jane, they seem genuine and just lovely people, I also in a quiz on Jane Austen characters got Jane. So yknow!
As you know I am reading this for my IGCSE's but it has definitely made me want to pick up more Jane Austen novels. If you would like to keep up to date on my progress with Pride and Prejudice on Goodreads, here is my page - Goodreads

Excuse the fact it's in a coffee pot turned my mums penny jar, hey I'm reusing it, totally being eco friendly!

So now onto the shake up of my TBR list, well I have decided since I'm pretty good at reading two books a month, I still don't know how people read four or more, I've written down all the books that I still have yet to read on my bookshelf, put them in a jar and pick two out. Those two books will be the books to read for the month! Athough if they are part of a series, say the mortal instruments for example, I will put the book that is next/first in the series and then when i've finished that book add the next book to the TBR Jar!!! Because otherwise I might pick a book out and I haven't even started the first book!
I hope that makes sense.
I picked the first two books the other day, so the two books I will be reading this month are...
Sorry about the terrible cutting skills, I wrote it so nice and then just chopped it to pieces! 
I'm soo stoked to be finally getting round to reading Days Of Blood And Starlight by Laini Taylor! I read Daughter of Smoke and Bone which is the first of the trilogy and I loved it. My old headteacher actually helped me find this series! Weird how little things influence you isn't it?! 
Now I'll be honest with you, I am a little apprehensive about the throne of glass series as its quite hyped and is meant to be really good,but I am slightly aprehensive especially since I had such troubles with ACOTAR.  But I want to see if it's as good as people say.  If you have read any of the books I have mentioned let me know what you thought, no spoilers though! Talk books with me!

So now the tv series I'm currently binge marathoning is Greys Anatomy, there's 11 seasons! I'm currently just started season 4 as of today! I really like Christina and Meredith. Meredith and Derek, I love! Lol! My favorite character though would have to be Dr Bailey. If you like Greys Anatomy, Hi! I actually went to this home ed group that my brother and I attend every Thursday and I got talking to one of the parents about it, turns out shes a fan as well. I mean mcdreamy! 

So hopefully that works, it just may take more time to finish my TBR list but at least I may actually do it! I feel like I have put a ban on buying anymore books except for one, very special book that I pre-ordered as an early birthday treat to myself. Some people might think I mean the new Twilight 10th anniversary book that came out recently but no as much as I am a Twihard for life! I will buy that but not in the near future. The only book to be pre-orderered (I've never actually for myself pre-ordered a book) and be added to my TBR list is Inferno by Catherine Doyle!!! Okay lets be real thats not that much of a shock is it really! When it comes out on the 7th January, I will put whatever else I am reading on hold, its the one book I literally would give anything to read sooner! A highly anticipated book!!!

Also on a side note, I cant remember whether I mentioned on my last post that I was not going to Fall Out Boy, on Sunday just past. But one thing that I am doing, I am going to see One Direction on the last day of their tour in Sheffield! A spur of the moment decision, but at least I can say I was there at the last day, which I never have done before. Now because I got the tickets through reselling, they are obviously not disabled tickets, but I am going to take my long cane and my symbol cane with me, which is something I haven't done before. I guess I'm quite anxious about my long cane because I don't like knowing people will stare at me. I have a kind of mentality of thinking people will think, I shouldn't be there. But I'm not going to stop those kind of thoughts(hopefully!) from going and having a good time. My mum will be coming with me and we will be staying over in Sheffield overnight and hopefully if i'm not too shattered we will be doing a little bit of shopping the next day.
Thanks for reading,
until next time

Friday, 2 October 2015

One Direction OTRA : 25th September 2015

OMG last night was amazing!!! I just can't !
So as you know I went to see one direction less than 24 hours ago, this is a good sign when I can write a post less than 24 hours after a concert it will be tomorrow the fatigue hits me.

Last night was amazing, yesterday was amazing! So I'll tell you about it! 

My mum and I got the train to Kings Cross Station at 12:56, we sat in first class as I managed to persuade my mum 'Hey lets buy first class tickets' as there was not much in the price. Very swish I know, I felt like the sign behind us was very apt!

So then when we got to Kings Cross Station, my mum pushed me in my wheelchair to the Royal Ear,Nose and Throat hospital down the road because we had arranged for a taxi from Minicabbit to pick us up there. 
Now earlier when I was doing my makeup, my eyes started watering and stinging to the point it hurt and stung to open them. I thought I was going blind, it was a scary thought. I was also slightly disheartened as my mum and I took my eye makeup off to stop my eyes stinging, which was probably the most technical eye look I've done as I had been watching lots of eye makeup videos to try a new look. I put my eye makeup back on and when we were waiting outside the Ear, Nose and Throat hospital, my eyes started watering and stinging again. So my mum and I had to do damage control and hence took my eye makeup off. Luckily I bought my sunglasses so it made my eye problems better. Yeah just in time for One Direction I thought, typical! But my eyes were left looking red and quite sore until they settled down. But after that my eyes were alright.

Our taxi came not too long after that, around 2pm, we had a really nice driver and the car was a really nice car as well! Which when its a long drive is always helpful and an added bonus.

Now you may ask why don't you drive to the 02 if its such a long drive, well for us its not a easy drive and my mum is not a fan of driving in London, especially to the 02 arena. Although we do drive to Wembley because that's an easy drive. Can you tell I can't drive?!

So we arrived at the 02 at around 3:30 and we went to the toilet which shockingly there is only 1 disabled toilet in the general area before going in to the actual arena. Last time I saw One Direction at the 02, the toilet was out of order and the queue was miles long so we got to go into the 02 lounge and use theirs. 
So then my mum and I went to go get some merchandise because I'm a sucker for band merchandise! As I didn't have a lot of money and well we hadn't had anything to eat yet, I only bought the program book and the set of 4 photo cards, the black and white ones. I also bought the poster they were selling.
The poster and photo cards were £5 each and the program book was £15.
I didn't buy any of the light sticks because I bought with me the one I bought the last time I went, which was the Take Me Home tour, it still works now actually. LOL!
My mum and I went and had a chat with my friend Elizabeth, who I met through premieres, We were both in the disabled platform nearest the stage, so we kept bumping into each other! 

My mum and I then went to go and get some food, T.G.I Fridays, we love T.G.I Fridays.
Yes those plates nearest me and the chips were mine!

After we finished our dinner, I needed the toilet, again. so we went to the toilet only this time it was out of order! So we went and asked quite a few of the staff who kept saying that you will have to go into the arena which when we first asked, the doors weren't actually open to go in yet! So then we asked another member of staff who went to talk to the security people who had this nice lady escort us to the disabled toilet actually in the arena! I don't want to say it was bad but this was the second time this had happened in about two years so I was a little bewildered about why it kept happening, I don't want to bash them because for what it's worth they arranged a solution to the problem quite quickly. Although when we first asked they weren't very helpful because we didn't want to go in yet, I just really really needed the toilet which was out of order. 
But then again it could be just every time I go!

Now it was just a lot of waiting around for the most part really although I did go and have a talk about the Up At The 02 Climb. It's something I have wanted to do for a while now, I was debating whether I would do it in their specialised wheelchair or if I was capable to walk but seeing it in front of me it looked like the wheelchair was the best idea as it was steeper than I thought it was. I want to do it and raise money for Guide Dogs/Blind Children Uk and Dreams Come True, both charities which are very close to my heart as people would say. Hopefully I will do it next year!

Although we didn't want to go into the arena straight away as you can't come out and then go back in once your in, we finally gave in because it was getting quite cold. 

First on stage was Jamie Lawson who is the first artist signed to Ed Sheeran's record label and he was actually really good. He does have a sound like Ed Sheeran-esque in the type of music he plays but y'know that's never a bad thing! One standout moment was when Jamie played More Than This by One Direction, an oldie but a goldie. It got everyone singing, including me.

Then was the longest wait I have ever had for the main act to come on! Even though my mum was getting slightly worried as we had a set time to get our taxi, I wasn't too fussed as I knew they had some technical errors the night before so I understood that they may have needed to just double check everything. One thing, see what I did there LOL! that did get on my nerves was the ads, its like they were on loop, oh and the constant 5SOS playing! Just the same songs over and over on loop LOL! I felt like by the time One Direction came on stage I could quote the ads word for word!

Finally at around 9:50, One Direction came on stage!!!!! 
Sorry I was a tad excited as you might have noticed! 
They powered through songs mainly from albums Midnight Memories and Four, but they did go way back and sing What Makes You Beautiful. <3 
It was amazing and they were on top form, Liam and Harry led a Happy Birthday serenade. There moments of humor and Harry was shocked to find someone eating chips, THE WHOLE CONCERT! *gasp in shock horror* It made me wish they weren't going on a break, or as some people say breaking up. 
I had an amazing time, I love concerts it just makes me forget everything, like my anxiety, troubles with my health, everything. I just live in the moment and it's like I'm just seen as Sophie. I loved feeling the same as everyone else, if that makes sense.

So then at the end of the concert, our taxi driver rang my phone, what he must of thought because my ears had popped and my voice sounded really raspy! I'm suprised he could even hear me! But we did find our taxi eventually and we arrived back at Kings cross station. Although we did almost get the wrong train, well it wasn't the wrong train, it just wasn't the one we planned to get so with literally minutes to spare we got off that train and then about 15 minutes later got the right train!

And then my dad picked us up and then I went to bed! 
So that was my One Direction concert!!

Now you may know I am meant to be going to Bath for a event with Catherine Doyle, Taran Matharu and Helena Coggan, well sadly I have no money to go. It's sad as I have the event tickets and train tickets but no money to get the taxi across London from Kings Cross to Paddington! Or for food.  
Whats worse is after that weekend I have money, its ridiculous in a ironic way really. But I shouldn't complain because some people have less then me and not as fortunate and I'm sure there will be more opportunity's, one day I will meet Catherine Doyle and get my book signed!   

Thanks for reading, I'm trying to get into a pattern of posting posts like this I started writing this thinking 'oh i'll have this finished by Monday' but then I just forgot about it. I'm also working on my IGCSES so its a balancing act at the moment, but i'm hoping to get some kind of structure sorted but until then it'll just be a surprise! 
But one post that will be up soon considering we are now officially in October is my September roundup, which yet again I failed miserably and so I am going to change it up a bit for October, which I will tell you about in that post and when i've thought about it. Which I have but only in bursts of inspiration. :-\ Just joking, sort of.

After that long signing off, thanks for reading, 
Until next time
P.S All the photos below are to the credit of my mum! But if you do want to use my photos please ask/tell me and credit me please and thank you x
Just had to throw that out there, just in case!

Photo Reel
Jamie Lawson, who when his album comes out and I have more money on my iTunes account, I will definitely buy!

Caught in a laser cage.

my mum took a better picture of this but i'm saving it for my niece who loves Louis. I have too many photos to post.

This photo is a bit like the one my mum took from the Take Me Home Tour which is a really cool HQ group photo and for someone who can't see without their glasses, really good.

Sophie rose
Now if you ask my mum she will swear down she focused on taking lots of pictures of Harry for me. But lets be real she likes him too! Haha!!!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Finally its how I met One Direction!!!!

Hi, okay this was going to be a round up of September but I just finished watching the live-stream of the itunes festival, in which One Direction, and Little Mix performed. So in honor of that and the announcement of their new album,  Made in the A.M. So go pre-order that, obviously when you have money though because I cant pre-order it at the moment because I am spending all my money on One Direction on Friday and I only have 80p on my iTunes account and it would be hypercritical if I said go pre-order it if I haven't. *sad face*  I'm going to quit rambling now. So in honor of all of that and the fact that I will be seeing them on Friday, which I am soo excited for and I probably have mentioned enough times. 

Just want to say first though, I am extremely grateful to have met them and I'm not showing off or complaining about it or anything like that. So no hate. Also please don't laugh at me because the awkward person in me really humiliated myself in front of the boys especially Harry, so don't laugh. I didn't meet Zayn on this occasion but I did meet him and Harry as well, I'll add that at the bottom after the 'Biggie', my wish!

So it was around the 10th December 2013, my mum got a call from Dreams Come True, Martin, who was I guess my wish organizer. I applaud Martin and Dreams Come True as I don't have that many big wishes in life and one of them is to be healthy and to see like most people. Which you know is a pretty hard dream to achieve, LOL. So my, shall we call them achievable wishes were, to meet the twilight cast, which they tried but couldn't do, as they were not meeting any wish people at the time. So we then moved onto my next wish, which I will one day achieve, to meet Paramore. But at the time they were only playing festivals or small venues, that weren't suitable places to meet them. So finally my third wish was to meet One Direction. As you can see my wishes were to meet people, people who I like or are my 'heros', because I find it hard to meet celebrities the oridinary way at signings and stalking people. Its also because I don't do much, as my mum would put it! 

So Martin told my mum that One Direction were doing one of their meet and greets with Rays of Sunshine, as One Direction are Rays of Sunshine ambassadors. He also told my mum that as a lot of peoples wishes were to meet One Direction that they were asking other wish granting charities if they had wish kids and if they wanted to come. Something along that line I believe, my mum is currently asleep and it was two years ago so she might not remember word for word what he said. 
So he asked if I would like to go, well he asked my mum but my mum let me know because she knows i'm not good with surprises and unexpected things. But I had to keep it quite, imagine that I wanted to scream from the rooftops that I was meeting One Direction! But as One Direction are massive, everyone didn't want anything to be leaked and have hundreds of people turn up because there was going to be sick kids there and it also was health and safety dangers to everyone including the boys themselves. So Martin said to come to Frankie and Bennys at the Wembley outlet mall on the 15th December, the next week so not too long away and it was also the night One Direction was performing on the Xfactor final. He also said to my mum that although we would meet them, there would be 50 other children there too and that it wouldn't be like there normal meet and greets were they would come and sit and chat. We would also get some gifts, more on that later. Looking back though I'm little glad I didn't meet them like that because I would of burst into tears or just sat mute! either that or like my mum says, I get verbal diaherra when i'm nervous. Like if I have an anesthetic for an operation. I just cant shut up talking because i'm so nervous.

Keeping it secret was quite easy to be honest as my friends at the time didn't like one direction, all two of them, lol! It did get a little difficult though when Kevin asked me what I was doing on that day and I was just like I cant say, you'll soon find out though! Although i'll admit I did tell my family because they weren't that bothered to be honest! 

Me, my mum and Daisy in Frankie and Bennys
My sister Erin, Daisy and I at Frankie and Bennys

I got to invite some people with me, either friends or family. So I invited my mum, of course! My sister and niece Daisy, she loves Louis. She loves One Direction just like her auntie Sophie! I taught her well!!!

So we drove to Frankie and Bennys in the Wembley Outlet Mall,  which I believe had just been built not long before we went. I also took my wheelchair with me, as my final plus one! We had dinner at Frankie and Bennys and everyone when we finished wondered what was going to happen next. There was a few people looking in, especially since Frankie and Bennys had been specially closed for us. I know very swish! I did have a little panic that someone was going to guess and then pandemonium would ensue. But thankfully it was really lovely and no pandemonium ensued. We then all got into wheelchairs or got ready to leave and we made our way to the Cineworld cinema. We all had allocated seating in the cinema and we all sat down to listen to the Luminites, yes the ones off BGT! Actually the girl from the Luminites, Stephanie, I saw when I went to the toilet, I know it was surreal. They performed a few songs for us, as we were in a cinema the quality of the video was a bit dark but y'know you can tell its them. 

So then we watched the One Direction: This is Us in 2D and I think it was the extended edition. Good thing it was in 2D as I cannot actually see 3D! So then like right at the end, One Direction came out one of the doors beneath the screen with torches. I think my heart dropped to my stomach and I could feel my heart beating in my head. I literally thought I was going to either have a panic attack or faint. Which you know would bode well in front of one of the biggest boy-bands ever?! That was all whilst sitting down watching them enter. We then had a  Q&A with the boys and I did put my hand up but can you imagine if they answered my question, I would have just been like 'urm...' I don't think I would of been able to actually say my question! I really don't know what came over me, I was shaking! 
So then after the Q&A they sung some songs and I have them recorded, it was really cool! 
Then we were all called down to have our pictures taken but it was just the wish kids, which I got quite panicky over, as being visually impaired the cinema in general is not a place I venture on my own. The lighting was dim and i'm not good in places I've never been to. also there where wires tapped on the floor and I was like that would be perfect if I tripped right in front of One Direction! It least it would be memorable. So it was my turn and I stood in between Harry and Niall. This is where things get slightly embarrassing. I as I have tunnel vision I can only see through one eye at a time and in the center so I couldn't see them unless I turned to them. But at the same time I was focused on looking at the camera. But because we only had a short time each it was hard to say everthing and see everything. I really struggle under pressure, I had everything planned in my head but the thing I said to Harry was : 'You look like your waxwork!' I know, how embarrasing. Keep in mind that I hate waxworks and mannequins so places like madame tussards are my worst nightmare. So I had never seen their waxwork. I think I meant to say in my staring at harry(sorry!) that he looked flawless, like imagine seeing someone so many times in magazines and on tv. To then seeing them up close it boggles the mind. Although bless him, he replied 'Waxey' I internally face palmed because I didn't mean that, although I couldn't say beautiful either could I? By the time I said that they were ushering me off, I just was like crap I wasted my time! 
As I walking away Harry, because I was just literally disorientated, so he handed me a gift bag which contained their perfume! Which by the way I wanted to get. 
So then I got back in my wheelchair and we headed back to the car after collecting our gift bags and two tickets for their Where We Are Tour, from them in the nearest venue to us, which was Wembley Stadium! 

So I met them, and looking back I am grateful for it as I know not everybody gets to do it. I did at first cry and cry because I just and I dont want to say didn't remember it but almost as if I couldn't take it in. I also think that it was the first time where my disability, like my vision hindered what should have been amazing. I know people might say but surely your disability hinders all aspects of my life but in a sense I have just adapted and I have been surrounded by people who also are disabled and haven't let their disability hinder them and we just all got on with life.. I'm not sure if that made sense, I hope it did! Also I do get a little embarrassed because well I embarrassed myself in front of the biggest boy band in the world! 
Although now I have gotten over it because I guess I am just the type of person who is awkward and I do embarrassing things not purposefully. I have just given up on caring really because it was an amazing experience that not many people can say they have done, and my story is a little different to most peoples meet and greets! I'm just really glad I either didn't faint or fall flat on my face because last time I did that I broke my elbow! 

Photo Reel

Christmas at Frankie and Bennys

The luminites

Another one of the luminites

I swear if that lady wasn't stood by me I would have collapsed! LOL 

Yeah that happened

Yeah this photo just sums it up really

Erin and Daisy

Yeah thats One Direction and I. Casual
If you see my phone case on friday, come say hi!

So I hope that explains how I met One Direction! I'm hoping to have this up on Friday so then whilst I'm watching One Direction, You can read how I met them! LOL, unless your going on Friday as well then we can fan-girl together! 
By the way I wanted to do a special shout-out to Harry Styles who is an amazing human being! Like I'm not just saying that but he is one of the nicest people I've ever met. Even my mum likes him! So if anybody asks is Harry styles as nice as everyone says. He really is, there's just something special about him! in case you didn't know I have a soft spot for Harry!
Now in the goodie bag, I kinda elaborated on it that we each got tickets for the venue nearest us for their Where We Are Tour, and a bottle of  'Our Moment' which is in the blue perfume shop bag in the photo. One slight problem with the perfume, I accidentally and I don't how I did it, broke the crown lid a few days after and so now the lid sits at an awkward angle and doesn't go on properly. I also got a signed jumper which I still need to get a frame for it as it is still sitting in my wardrobe! I also got a watch, which I believe I gave to someone because I am rubbish at telling the time so it would of been no use to me LOL. 

Side note: in terms of  book posts and how my TBR list is going, well *drumroll* .... I have so far read 1 book and I am currently reading 2 more books! Slow going I think! More on that in another post, LOL! 

So again I would like to say massive thank you's to Dreams Come True, who are just amazing I urge you to check them out and hopefully donate what you can!  Even though my wish did change a few times, they managed to (whilist trying to meet Paramore) have a box of signed and special merchandise sent from America, from Paramore for me. Which I also cried at, yeah I'm a crier!

I'd also like to say thank you to Rays of Sunshine for letting my wish be granted!

I want to also say a HUGE thank you to One Direction because they are probably one of the loveliest and humble bands ever and really do give back to their fans as much as they can!

I will have a post about Friday and my One Direction concert up sometime next week and then I will be going to Bath, then Fall Out Boy, so the next few weeks I will have blogs up regularly.
Thanks for reading!
So until next time 

Side Note : 
Now I also met Zayn and Harry at the One direction premiere, which was just chaos! I'm going to put all about it in a separate page type thing (I don't know what its called off the top of my head!). But I will show you the photos. Also I managed to match with Harry!

Yeah this matching was totally unintentional