Hi, I saw this Tag on twitter recently and since well I am VI that well I'd have try it out. I've never done a tag before so be warned it could fail miserably. I'd just like to say this tag was started by Emily Davison (
Fashioneyesta) and Molly Burke(
http://mollyburke.ca/blog/). Here are their YouTube channels Emily-
https://www.youtube.com/user/MollyBurkeOfficial. The blog post which I saw the tag is
https://secretsofbeauty13.wordpress.com/, so go check it out. So here goes nothing, and if it is terrible please comment and say so because I value an opinion. But be kind! So here goes nothing!
Question 1. What is the hardest makeup product to apply as a visually impaired or blind person?
Erm I'd have to say personally for me its between foundation, Eyeshadow and eyeliner. Because I only see out of one eye at a time shutting the other really I guess throws me as to what I'm seeing if that makes sense. So for me its easier to just shut them both. I struggle with eyeshadow and foundation in the sense of blending it and making sure you don't go out and I look in the mirror and theres a big orange spot or that my eye shadow isn't completely blended in. I think I struggle with eyeliner and eye shadow because I have little to no depth perception and my spacial awarness is not there, so I could be going for my eye and it would end up on my nose.
Question 2. What is my number 1 tip for shopping with sight loss?
Now that tricky because for me I hate shopping I am much better online because everything is in front of me and there is no crowds of people and things to look out for. But I'd say go with someone you trust like I go with my mum and/or my sister and sometimes my aunt. When I go with my mum she knows all about crowds and that shopping is something I struggle with and that I get quite angry with. But I'd go with someone you trust and take your time whether it be paying for things or browsing through the aisles take it at your own pace. Thats probably the best piece of advice my mum has given my in that sense so I hope that helps.
Question 3.What is the one beauty item that I stay away from due to sight loss?
Hmm that would have to be a tie between eyebrow products in general and eyeliner, although eyeliner I am trying and want to practise and not rule it out completely. Thankfully for my eyebrows, they're quite thick and full anyway to me so don't really require filling in. I also don't tweeze them for that reason I get them waxed otherwise half my eyebrows would be tweezed to death!
Question 4. What tips and tricks would I give to a a young girl struggling with sight loss who wants to get into makeup?
What would I say? Hmm, go at your own pace and make sure your comfortable. Get brushes and tools that help you maximize your skills, like the real techniques brushes and sponge. I also have a foundation/concealer brush from avon which is great because if your like me and have small hands its easier to hold. Also its easier for me personally then having to keep changing the brush, to just flip it over. The right brushes are just as important as the right shade of foundation. With eye shadow I would suggest natural/ skin shade type colors that you can see, so if you even have a little bit of vision, you can see it on your eyes. Also with Eye shadow, I sometimes use my finger because it gives me more control and easier sometimes. Also if you have someone you know around you ask them to help spot if you've made mistakes and just to help if you don't know how to do something.
Question 5. How did I learn how to apply makeup as someone who is visually impaired/blind?
Well my mum used to do my makeup but I've had numerous V.I teachers help me but the help from guide dogs/blind children has spurred me to try it myself. I used and still do sometimes when it doesnt go right. But I guess I just watched my mum and my sister do it. I also have started to watch videos on youtube/reading blogs from Emily Davison(Fashioneyesta), Molly Burke, Secrets of Beauty and Lucy(Yesterdays Wishes).
Question 6. What is one thing that I think every girl should be able to do without looking?
Erm probably something moisturizer or lip balm. Like the moisturizer I have is the Garnier moisture match wake me up for dull skin, is quite see through and you only need a small amount and it goes on clear so even if I don't think my face is fully covered, it will dry clear. That's also why I like lip balm as something that is something everyone can do especially something like nivea or vaseline because it hydrates your lips but its not too strong or bright in color that it doesn't matter if it goes over the edge of your mouth.
Question 7. Do you think not being able to see affects your self confidence?
Erm yes and no, but I wouldn't say confidence issues are solely down to my sight, I have very low self esteem in general without thinking about my visual impairment. I guess my self confidence in terms of my visual impairment is I don't like people to know about my sight or to see me using my half cane or long cane. But my self confidence in general, including issues with my visual impairment is getting better (ish - Lol)
Question 8. Name one thing I need help with when it comes to makeup or fashion?
Just one?! Haha! Okay I will name just one, I need someone like my mum to tell me whether my makeup is blended in or smudged. Oh and with tights I need someone to help me and tell me whether I have a hole in them. There one for each category, Fashion and Makeup.
Question 9. What is a blind girl beauty or fashion essential?
Well I haven't really found any essential thing really to be honest, except maybe good storage system so you know where everything is. That goes for both beauty and fashion but other then that, I'm still at the stage of testing things and haven't found an essential item.
Question 10. What is the best part about applying makeup as a person with vision loss?
It would have to be when I finish my makeup and it looks good and I know that I did that without anybody's help. The sense of independence even if its only small bit of independence.
Question 11. Have you ever experienced any major fashion or makeup disasters that are due to having a visual impairment?
There's been a few but I cant remember a lot of them! One I can remember though is I had this foundation once, I think this was a year ago maybe two, I put it on thinking I'd got an even coverage and was blended in. No it wasn't, cut to when I went out with my mum, I got in the car and looking in the mirror. my cheek had a massive orange mark from not being blended in enough! Yeah that was embarrassing.
Question 12. Do I ever have people commenting that 'you don't look blind/visually impaired'?
Question 13. Do you use any pieces of assistive technology or apps to help put outfits together or doing your makeup?
I am actually in the middle of getting things to help me like a mirror with a magnified part with lights around it(along the lines of that), when I get it I'll take a picture and put it on my blog.
AHHH!! I did it! I hope you liked it. If you want to do this tag, I'd love to read it. I tag anyone who has a visual impairment/blind and wants to do it.
Also big news, I went for a eye test at the opticians and I'm getting glasses!
Also my brother who lives up north is doing an extreme 10k with his girlfriend. They are taking part and raising money for Happy Hands, which is a charity founded by my brother's girlfriends mum. They help families with children who are deaf, hard of hearing or have difficulties communicating. They have a children's group which is where my niece goes as she is deaf, and thanks to them they are helping my brother with learning to sign.
I know not everyone can donate but even if its a pound I know Happy Hands and my brother would apreciate it so much and would be grateful. Here is the gofundme page for them -
Thanks for reading, If you liked this tag feel free to comment.