Saturday, 25 July 2015

Mac, Benefit and a touch of books...

Hi so I have three posts currently being written and my poor brain is thinking 'ahh!!'
 Yeah that's my crisis of the day. 
Today, the 21st July I am finally the proud owner of the 'Urban Decay Naked' eye pallet. Yes it's a great day. 
I went shopping today with Kirsty from guide dogs as a treat for all the cooking lessons we've done. Yes I'm 17 and I still like treats for doing things! Any excuse for shopping really. 

So I thought rather than just write about my whole day and stick pictures at the bottom I will try and spilt it into the shops I went into and what I got up to in their. And yes what I bought, hehe. But then do a general summary at the end.

Benefit stand 
So first in Debenhams I went to the benefit stand because it was one of the first stands I saw, so I guess you could say I made a beeline for it. I tried a few product including, the Feelin' Dandy beauty kit which I ended up buying. I also tried the 'They're Real' push up eye liner and the 'Big Easy' complexion perfector but I didnt buy those as I had already spent enough, haha. I also tried the 'Roller Lash' mascara, which when the lady applied it, she seemed amazed at how long my lashes were! The Benefit lady was really nice and was quite helpful. She also said, as I mentioned we were going to the Urban Decay and Mac stand that if we just bought everything back to the benefit stand that I could pay for it all together, especially as she mentioned Mac could get quite busy. Which I really found that tip useful. So this is what I ended up buying from Benefit, I also got a sample size of the 'Big Easy', just in case you wonder what the little bottle is!
Me and my makeover in benefit

I then went to mac for a makeover on my eyes but they were quite busy so we were put on the waiting list so then we headed for Urban Decay which weirdly enough was the next stand to Mac.

Urban Decay.
I didn't spend long at the Urban Decay stand because I knew what I went there for and I didn't want to stray from that and so I finally, after months of longing to buy it, I finally joined the elite club of people who own the naked palette! I bought the first one and its case is a suede/velvety finish! It's my baby! When I got home no one was allowed to touch it!
Look at it! It's mine :-D

Since Mac was quite busy still we decided to go and look in some shops while we waited, namely Lush.

Now since I had a massive shopping spree in the Manchester Trafford Centre branch of Lush, I decided not to buy to much. I couldn't really see much I wanted. So I just bought 'Space Girl' bath bomb because as you may know that it has recently been discontinued. Which is really sad for me, because its one of my favourites from Lush. So I thought since they have some still in stock i'd buy one as I already have one so then I have left over. All I can say is Lush don't do it! Haha

Then we headed back to Mac and even though it was quite busy I was next on the list so it was good timing!


My makeover in Mac( my eyes being closed was deliberate)
So in Mac I had this really nice lady called Molly doing my makeup, by the way she had this really cool lipstick that Kirsty and I both thought was cool. It was a black colored lipstick. Molly did on my eyes a really soft smokey eye, so along with the eyeliner I already had on from benefit and the mascara from benefit, my eyes looked really different! In a good way. Molly also, after my request found two lipsticks and tried them on and while the colours were at different ends of the spectrum, they both looked amazing. So I bought the two lipsticks, one of the brushes Molly used, Eyeshadow primer and I also got a free mascara tester. As I was paying for my goodies, Kirsty and I were talking about reviewing them on here and Molly heard us and asked me if I ran a blog and said she would check it out! I know that was literally out of the blue but at the same time really nice because for people to want to check my blog out means a lot to me because I put a lot of effort into my blog.
and if your reading this Molly I hope you like my blog!

The eyeshadow palette that Molly used for my eyes, which I will buy one day.

So after we left Mac, we went into one of my favourite places on earth, Waterstones. Now I don't go instore to get my books that often, its hard for me because all the books are organised in a way that its really hard for me to see everything and find the things I want, So usually I buy them from Amazon but since there was a waterstones there I thought go on then! I mean the thing with bookstores as well for me is, too much choice, thats the same for everything really actually not just books!


So in Waterstones, I was talking to the lady on the till about how I always buy another copy if I have a really special book, like my signed books, she said the same about her tolkien books. Thats a sign of  book lovers there ladies and gentleman!
 I bought 4 books and 2 of them I got an offer on, so thats a bonus. Here are the books I bought and little about them. If you have read them feel free to tell me whether they are good or not,  or any books I should be reading. 

Cress by Marissa Meyer
 Now I am terrible I have only read the first book and have got Cress and Scarlett waiting to be read but I definitly will get round to it, I think its because I read Cinder when it first came out and so started other books while I waited for the next one and well then other books were released, so yeah.

Lorali by Laura Dockrill

So I have heard a bit about this book but not much, I know its about mermaids which I am fascinated by and I actually really would like to find more mermaid books to read. But as this book is published by a company called Hot Key Books they have cool thing that shows what the book is about and just how much of each subject its about, if that makes sense.

The unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkins

Okay so I have heard somethings about this book, but not much but I'll admit I thought this series was written by Lauren Kate, the lady who wrote the Fallen series. Don't ask me why I just did, sorry Michelle Hodkins. But I'm looking forward to read this one first out of the 4.

 I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson

Now I loved 'The Sky Is Everywhere' by Jandy Nelson, its probably one of my favourites and I believe it had a teaser of this book at the end and so I'm really hoping this one is just as good or even better. Whats really cool about these two books is its not just words on a page, there's drawings and notes. which relate to the story in 'The Sky Is Everywhere'. Which just adds to the story I feel.

Now we went to get the electric wheelchair that I booked as although I had my symbol cane with me I got quite tired and my feet were starting to hurt. Instead of an electric wheelchair I had got a scooter which was a new thing for me!

Next I went in The Disney store but I bought something for my niece in there, a frozen book! Yes shes loves frozen!

I also went in the Modelsown bottleshop, which when I saw they had one, I knew I had to go in there. Now I walked in there as its not very big and when lots of people are there its quiet a small space. It is a bottleshop after all. Kirsty and I each got a lipgloss just for entering, well Kirsty stood on the outside watching the scooter for me. I bought 2 nail varnishes in pastel colours.

Finally we went in
I bought a lip liner for one of my lipsticks from Mac which was quite a good match.
I also bought the Loreal Lumi Magique hilighter pen, and the Loreal Lumi Magique Primer amd a set of 3 clear travel bags which I will use to store my makeup more easily.

That was the end of my shopping, then we went to Pizza Hut for dinner. I had a half margarita & half pepperoni pizza and Pepsi. Then we left, Kirsty and I both agreed what was nice was that in all the shops they didn't try and play on indecision and try and sell me things I didn't need. like in Mac, Molly didn't try and sell me all the brushes she used just the ones she thought would be the most useful. Also what was nice was when I was using my stick, the people in the stores didnt seem fazed by the fact I couldn't see very well. Which made me feel ten times more at ease.

I'd just like to thank Kirsty for coming with me and helping me, I had what was a really great day!
I was exhausted when I got back home, my eyes felt so heavy.
I slept well that night!

Thanks again for reading, as I said at the beginning of this post I have a few things posts planned, mainly about books which is exciting, you'll see how of a fangirl I am!
Once again thanks for reading
Until next time

Monday, 13 July 2015

Liverpool house sitting

Hi I'm back!

Yeah I don't know where that came from either? 
As some of you may remember I mentioned a post or two ago, that my brother was running a extreme 5k for the charity Happy Hands. Well this week I and my family (including my niece Daisy) went up north to help look after his two children while he and everyone else completed the 5k.

So we travelled up to Merseyside on the Thursday, because not everyone could fit in the car along with our luggage, so my mum, Daisy, my brother, and I took the train. A virgin train to be precise. I know very swish. I am a highly anxious person on public transport I must admit, so going on the train to get to London was as always an experience. (My mum and aunt sometimes let me hold their hand to relieve my anxious thoughts but I end up really hurting them!) but once I get on the Virgin train I'm strangely calm almost like my anxiety goes down a notch not gone but toned down a tad. I don't know why it's like that, it just is. Just a note we had to take a separate train into London and then got the Virgin train to Liverpool and then a separate train to the station nearest my brothers house, just in case you got confused.

Also another intresting fact, my oldest brother Oliver, also lives in merseyside, actually he lives across the road from my brother luke, was going to a wedding in sussex for his girlfriend Jo's sister's wedding and so he lent us his house. Well when I say he lent us his house, it was more of a house sitting affair, which was nice as with a hotel it means you have to leave to get back to the hotel and miss some valuable time, so that was nice and saved a bit of money.

So we arrived into Liverpool lime street about half hour later then scheduled due to I think a cargo train being in the way I think. We then had a drink in Costa then we got the train to where my brother lives in St. Helens. 

It was pouring of rain when we got there, so we were waiting for a taxi with our summer clothes on, thankfully I had a cardigan on but no one else did. Then at the same time, the taxi and Sam, my brothers girlfriend arrived to pick us up.Yeah it was the case of wait for one and two turn up at the same time. So Daisy and I went in Sam's car and my mum and brother went in the taxi.
When everyone had settled in we went to the hungry horse, I went in sam's car because there wasn't enough seats for me in the car.
The next day we were going to go to southport but about a week ago, my brother told us that Lola was getting one of her cochleas turned on so we thought we would go to the Trafford Centre. Meaning that they would have less to travel to the hospital. We went to Sealife and then they left to go to the hospital. So while we waited for them to come back, we went to get some lunch. Then my mum and I went shopping! Everyone else went to the namco funscape.
I rented a electric wheelchair for the time I was in there which was helpful and saved me having to bring my chair in the car and my mum pushing me.

Next day was the race day, now the entire time we were visiting, my brother had a really bad toothache/infection, which always seems to happen when he visits us or we visit him! So everyone wasn't too sure whether he would be able to do the race, since the day before he went home as soon as he picked my nephew Bobby up and had some lunch. But even though my dad was ready to go in to take his place, he managed to do it. I actually didn't go because after two days on the go, I was shattered. So I spent the day watching my 'Once Upon A Time' season 1 boxset that I bought with me. Ironically a few hours later Rogue Events announced 'Storybrooke' convention- A Once Upon A Time Convention! 
Fingers crossed I'll be able to buy a ticket before selling out! 

Then on the Sunday it was time to come home again, to see my cats and dog!The journey went alot smoother than the trip up north, although we still didn't get home untill half 4. I also in London, used for the 1st time ever, my long cane! Yes, snaps for me! I did it! I mean I am now becoming a lot more comfortable using my symbol cane but the long cane has always been a 'Do I have to, its embarrisng?' type feeling but in london I used it and I was suprised at how it did help me, It was a lot easier. The long cane uses muscles in your hand that you normally wouldn't use so you do have to strengthen your wrist and hand muscles. Otherwise you wake up and your hand feels so bruised and batered, although it did stop feeling like I had destroyed my hand after a day, so it must mean the muscles are getting stronger! Which is good news! 

Aaaand that's it really. Although no rest for me though because the next day I had an appointment with physio. Many months ago my physiotherapist mentioned trying insoles to straighten my feet. So I had to go pick them up. I also had a meeting about volunteering in my local library.

On a more personal note, I had a hospital appointment on Saturday and long story short, I am going to have a needle to test the pressure inside my head and whether my shunt is not working. Downside to that is, I will be awake and no numbing medication will be used either! I mean its being inserted in the reservoir that I have had forever to help get chemo directly to my brain when I was little so it shouldn't hurt too much! Well I hope not, although my one request that my mum stays with me, has been agreed to because otherwise I think it would be a whole other story. Only kidding, sort of! Its also only for half an hour which is another plus, no over night stays or anything. Just an outpatient visit.

If anyone has had this procedure does it hurt as much as I think it does? Also do they take you to an operation room? 

Until next time 

Photo Reel

This is Oliver, Sam's cat, I think Sam said he was 19 and so was very content just to be stroked and loved. He was so adorable.

This one of my insoles, I would of took a picture of both but since they were already in my shoes I thought it was easier to take a picture of just one, since they both look the same.

The Trafford centre, in the orient food court they have it decorated like a cruise ship and its quite pretty. A picture doesn't quite show how amazing it looks in person.