Thursday, 8 August 2019

Exciting times

Hi so long time huh..
But I have good news which i'm hoping will include this blog.  I have been selected to join #SCOPEFORCHANGE this year! So Scope is a big charity, that helps and campaigns for disabled people. They want equality for disabled people. Now they run a training program in campaigning. For 18-25 year olds with a disability. They work with us for 6 months to create campaigns on issues that matter to us. To help us run successful campaigns. To become the next generation of disability campaigners. And I am taking part this year! I'm really excited and looking forward to the next 6 months. We got to go to a launch event at Scope's office a few weeks ago and it was really cool because the office was accessible to all, they had braille on the floor and time out spaces. They had a changing places toilet. Another thing about scope is that a lot of the staff too are disabled which is amazing seeing so many disabled people. It's scope practising what it preaches if that makes sense.

So I kind of have an idea on my campaign and I think it will be to do with the arts, acting, theatre and disability. I dont want to jinx my idea just yet and theres a couple of things I need to sort out in my brain but its something that im passionate about.

I'm going away for the weekend with them for a training event along with the other campaigners who all seem like lovely people who I look forward to getting to know better. This weekend looks really good as its been planned just like the launch event with everyone in mind and everyones needs. Making it accessible for all.
Hopefully I will make a blog post about the weekend.
Until next time,