I chose delivery for my mums present because where letter it is based is nowhere near me. The delivery was £5 which I thought was a great price. I received my parcel today and well I wrapped it up and gave it to my mum. She cried because she thought it was such a thoughtful present and that its one of a kind and personal. Something no else is going to have an exact replica of.
Overall the price was really affordable. Especially as I had my pets added on as well, (you will get what I mean when you see the photo.)
So on Wednesday my mums present arrived, the fact it didn't come for my mums birthday is partly because I didn't order it in enough time. My mum didn't mind and I did know it probably wouldnt come in time but it didn't matter, Joanne had told me she had a 14 day turnaround.
So when it arrived I wrapped it up and as it literally came whilst my nan and grandad and aunt and her boyfriend were leaving I had to quickly try to wrap it. Which I am rubbish at wrapping a present at the best of times, I usually require my mum to help me wrap a present lol. But when my mum opened it. She ended it up crying, she said it was the most thoughtful gift that someone had bought her! (like just claiming my child of the year award!!! joking!!)
So I hope this has intrigued you to having a look at letter it!
They have a facebook page and are usually quite quick on messages.
Overall the price was really affordable. Especially as I had my pets added on as well, (you will get what I mean when you see the photo.)
So on Wednesday my mums present arrived, the fact it didn't come for my mums birthday is partly because I didn't order it in enough time. My mum didn't mind and I did know it probably wouldnt come in time but it didn't matter, Joanne had told me she had a 14 day turnaround.
So when it arrived I wrapped it up and as it literally came whilst my nan and grandad and aunt and her boyfriend were leaving I had to quickly try to wrap it. Which I am rubbish at wrapping a present at the best of times, I usually require my mum to help me wrap a present lol. But when my mum opened it. She ended it up crying, she said it was the most thoughtful gift that someone had bought her! (like just claiming my child of the year award!!! joking!!)
So I hope this has intrigued you to having a look at letter it!
They have a facebook page and are usually quite quick on messages.
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