Monday, 11 January 2016

Inferno - The Review

Okay today is the day, Inferno by Catherine Doyle is officially released!! Now to tell the truth I got it a little early as I found it in waterstones. I thought they'd tell me it was an error when I paid for it but no. Although I may have got my copy early I didn't want to post this before it was officially released but today I can finally post this!

Well what can I say about Inferno, second book in the Blood for Blood trilogy. (also happens to be my favourite books I have ever read!- that's a feat knowing my indecisiveness.) I'll admit I was a tad nervous because sometimes with books that have such a strong opening, they kind of fail to live up to expectations on the second book. Well not this book.  Vendetta I feel I want it to become more popular and yet at the same time I want it to remain this little secret book.
So where do I start? This is your one and only warning, spoilers will be below so if you haven't read Vendetta/Inferno don't scroll down because you need to read this series! Trust me, go read it and come back. Then we can fan girl about the book together.

So Inferno starts off where Vendetta finished, Sophie is in hospital after the warehouse showdown, Luca is down the hall. Then when she leaves the hospital we see the real impact everything has had on her. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I felt it was a true example of PTSD, under the circumstances though I think anyone would crack after the events of Vendetta.

A character I loved, I mean I loved them in Vendetta but I feel they were amazing in Inferno is.. Millie. Her friendship with Sophie is something I want. She supports Sophie throughout this all and Sophie supports Millie. Their friendship has no jealousy or aspect of trying to be alpha by one of them. I also like how Sophie tells her everything that happened in Vendetta, no secrets because she trusts Millie. Now I have read many a YA novel where friendships fail because they are not open with each other. Not this one, it seems more real and an actual friendship. Also Millie is MVP of this book purely for her humour.

Relationships in Inferno seem crucial, either because they are either falling apart or they are strengthening.  Now with Sophie and Millie I think they were strengthening, Sophie and Nic on the other hand were disintegrating. From the start of Inferno Sophie had a tainted view of Nic, after seeing him literally on the verge of killing her uncle. And events in this book quickly lead Sophie to question if she really knew Nic at all.

Another relationship that throughout has been quite close is Sophie and her mom/mum. Although in this book they have been quites secretive with each other but because they want to protect each other. I really enjoyed the scene when Sophie confronts her mom about the secret, her true family ties. But more on that in a bit. 
One relationship I was screaming from the rooftops about is Sophie and LUCA!!!! I mean can I just say finally! When they kissed, I was literally squealing for a good 5 minutes! I feel their relationship has been a slow grower, and I like that, it feels true. I mean I ship them, just saying!

So in this book we have a new mob family the Marino's who don't particularly like the Falcones. I mean saying they don't like them is the understatement of the year. I found the history of the families very interesting and complicated. I mean Luca and his brothers mum/mom is the sister of Donata Marino! I kind of love hated Donata and Elena. Donata was such a good villain because she showed no mercy in her quest for revenge. Elena I also found quite blood thirsty and a good villian. Donata though I found nearer the end, I kind of sympathised with after Sara is killed. I mean it was her one redeeming moment.

Speaking of Sara, I really liked her. I felt she was in a life she didn't want. She was killed and never got to have the life she dreamed and wanted. I got quite caught up. I thought it kind of beautiful of Luca and Sophie to try and save her.

Okay this is my piece on Luca. Brace yourselves!
 I feel he tried to save Sara because he saw himself in her. He didn't pick this life. He didn't want this life. I found in this book, his personality came out and it showed he had a heart, that he was caring and was someone who holds the ones he loves close to him. I feel he is sensitive and just amazing. I am literally rambling now. I just really like Luca, he is such an interesting and complex character. 

Now onto those last few chapters. I love how although Sophie's mum may have kept her actual family history from her, it didn't change their relationship. In a warped way it was done to protect her.  The line 'I'm bound by blood, there is no way out.' really showed why Sophie's mom lied to her, not saying that was right but she did it to protect her. I loved that line because it was said in a moment of despair, where Sophie realised that no matter how much running she did, they would catch up with her eventually. It was a heartbreaking moment of clarity.
We also found that her father had been lying and was a much bigger player in the mafia then what was actually thought. 

Then we had the fire. I couldn't believe it. Not her mom, they were just finally being honest with each other.
 I loved Sophie's reaction after it. I loved Luca and how he stayed with Sophie throughout. He helped her, offered advice. I found it really touching and heartfelt. It was amazingly written in my opinion. When she finally breaks down in Lucas arms was heartbreakingly beautiful.
 I think Sophie's chat with Nic, saying he was in love with the idea of her, was well needed. I found it startlingly true, and I found it frank and honest. Sophie finally being honest with herself and how she felt.
When she's on the phone to her father, telling him everything and how she knows how involved he is in this blood war, I loved it, it was a moment of 'Yes you go girl'. She finally lost the rose tinted glasses view she had of her father.

The ending though. What was that?! I like it because it can go anywhere with that ending. But I don't like it because it can go anywhere with it! I need the 3rd book now!! Also I am going to repeat this, if this series ends like Romeo and Juliet because I'll cry buckets. I mean as long as Sophie and Luca live happily ever after, I'm happy as larry.

My Fave Moments
Millie #MVP
Sophie and her growth
Sophie and Luca #ShipthatShip
Sophie and her mom in the diner
'The American knows Italian' That line cracked me up.
'I'll be your light, until you can be it yourself' That line was so beautiful. Sophie and Millie are #friendshipgoals
Jack and Sophie's dad are the secret Marino twins!!!!
'I'm bound by blood, there is no way out' I love that line

Literally this book is full of quotable lines. 
I feel the main theme in this book besides the obvious :
is the strength of relationships be it, family or romantic or friendship. That sometimes it means putting your dreams aside. 
okay now I am getting philosophical, so I am going to wrap this review up.

I just want to say this book is amazing, I am eagerly awaiting the 3rd and final book. When this series is over I will literally cry a river. If you have yet to pick up and read these books please do as you are seriously missing out.
I can easily say these are my favourite books I have ever read. If you love these books, leave a comment, message me on twitter and we can be book buddies! If you have any recommendations like Vendetta and Inferno, let me know because I need a book to ease the wait for the 3rd book!

Thanks for reading
Until next time

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