Monday, 5 December 2016

A Streetcat Named Bob : a review

Finally I went and saw A Streetcat Named Bob. What a movie, I was sobbing through most of it. Good sobbing. This is my review and the messages behind the movie that I think are important.

So James Bowen (played by Luke Treadaway, he did it really well) is homeless and a drug addict. After having family problems, which seems to be a big factor in drug addiction and homelessness. He is currently on a methadone program, to come off heroine. But he mets up with a friend and well falls of track. Thats when we are introduced to his support worker Val (played by Joanne Frogart, downton abbey!) who tells him, look this is your last chance. Val manages to get James into supported housing and that is when the star of the show Bob, is introduced. That cat, I feel no one will understand the power that cat has and how much that cat has changed James's life. It was lovely to watch the movie and see how much James cares for Bob. He spent his last £20 on him for his antibiotics. I don't want to spoil the movie because everyone should go see it. One of two moments I want to touch on is when bob is scared off and James can't find him. I was sobbing. That is an emotion I as a cat owner never want to have to feel but so many do. It just showed how much Bob has an effect on James that more than worrying about himself and his drug rehabilitation appointments or anything else, he worried about Bob. Then when Bob came back, the relief and love that you could see was beautiful and again I cried. Sobbed. Another moment is before Bob gets scared off, a lady said to James she'd be happy to take him. Sometimes a person doesn't have much but an animal and that animal can be life changing. Also people called Bob names like vermin. When can we understand that cats are just as worthwhile and important as any animal. Cats are different to dogs and as soon as we stop comparing them its a start. Cats are very aloof at times but when you have their love, you have it in buckets. The amount of times stories have come across my Facebook page of people mistreating cats, as well as other animals, it makes my heart cry. Because look at James and Bob, not saying all cats will be like Bob but they can be amazing in their own right. Like when I got my cats they were, not strays, but easily could have been feral cats. They helped me with my depression, helped me with everything. Even if they don't quite love me like I do them. Animals are beautiful and can be partners for life. Sometimes they can be better than people.
Don't judge what people love because you don't know the reasons behind that partnership.

Another issue that this movie dealt with is homelessness. I can't say I know anyone who has been homeless. But everyone knows the person in their local town selling the big issue or in a corner on the street. Its shocking especially in big cities like London, Manchester, places like that. Then you hear stories of businesses putting spikes outside their business to deter homeless people from sleeping rough there. I was watching James, Bob and the cast of the movie on the one show and they were doing a segment on how homeless people are having to ride the night bus because they can't find somewhere to sleep that is somewhat safe. Can you imagine that, having to constantly be on alert for danger or someone trying to get rid of you or to take advantage of you. Another issue dealt with in the film is the issue of substance abuse. Which is a easy route to fall down if you are homeless. You want to blot out the pain of the situation. Its a grim situation. Which we could be doing a lot more to help. People aren't homeless from day one. Theres a spiral of events thats lead them to where they are. If we helped people before things get out of hand to the point where there are no options. As we see in the movie James had a serious drug problem and had tried before to get clean but it wasnt until Bob came along that he saw a reason to go on. Per se. Thats what people need, theres no point if nothings going to change. Its just a vicious cicyle unless you stop that pattern. If we helped people before they got to the stage of crisis. Whether it be through financial support, family support, something along those lines. Thats where mental health comes in. Mental health and homelessness  are another big link. If we sorted out peoples mental health, people might be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. They could imagine a brighter future. Thats depression. Not seeing a future, the outlook bleak. Im not saying I'm an expert on things like this but evidence is out there that there is a mental health and homeless crisis in there own rights. Put the two together and you have a dangerous combo. This may just sound like a lot of rambling, I hope it makes sense and doesn't offend anyone.

I also read that apparently there has been a spike in ginger cat burglaries. Why?! Bob is not any cat, not every ginger cat is like Bob. These cats are people's pets, their companions. If you want to house a cat and give it a loving home, be it ginger or not, go to a cat shelter where there are tons of cats that need a home. Don't take a cat that is just being a cat and already has a loving family. That can scare a cat and make it easy for them to get lost. Put yourself in that cats feet. Imagine if some random stranger came and took you away from your home environment. Also put yourself in the cats family's shoes. The worry and heartache of not knowing what has happened and where their cat is. There was a family who lost their cat back in september and I actually messaged them to show my support. Their heartbreak and worry. They posted that if anyone saw their posters they put up to take them down because they can't face the pain of doing that. I still can't understand the motivation to hurt a cat or any animal. It dumbfounds me it really does. Animals have every right to live as we do. We are no better than them.

I just hope the movie gets the message out that given the chance to change and the help anyone can take their second chance. It just took James a furry friend to realise his opportunity.

So do go see the movie, especially if you love cats because there are moments in the moment that are so relatable. You sit there thinking 'yep I know that feeling' or 'My cat does that'.
I loved it and I will be first in the queue when its released on dvd.

Thank you for reading
until next time


  1. Lovely post Sophie from another animal lover.

    1. Thank you, its definitely a film that if you own a cat you'll be sat thinking 'my cat does that' at moments. Definitely for animal lovers. But I think everyone can enjoy it. How can you tell I love cats so much?! Haha!

  2. Great film and your right a film that bring to everyone's attention homelessness, substance abuse, how they go hand in hand. Most people at some point in their live go through some sort of crisis , why do we not support people earlier so that a life on the street is not inevitable. . , and unfortunately cuts in housing benefit payments are likely to make more people struggle with homelessness.������

    1. Thanks mum, even if you were laughing at me crying about a cat! I think it needs more credit and recognition for the issues it tackles. That it was someones life. That it is still someones life on the street.
