Monday, 2 January 2017

Goodbye 2016, You've been good 'un

So we're nearly in 2017, its so weird to think. I can't be the only one to think 2016 went a little too fast. This year for multiple different reasons has been, globally, a worse for wear year. We've had terrible news story after news story. It seems this year more than most there has been a lot of loss.
But personally this year has been really good for me. Don't get me wrong there has been some down moments but mainly theres been a lot of positives and I wanted to recap the best ones because one day I'll come back to this and reminisce because lets be honest my memory is shoddy at the best of times.

So to start off


I mean where do you begin. My mum and I always said 'When Adele's next on tour we have to go see her.' We made that pact around the last time she toured back in 2012ish. When she did the round house and even then we knew the demand for her tickets and the price they were at. We got to the point where we thought she's never coming back but then came the advert. When I think everyone went silent across the world. Well I didn't I had to pause it and play it again because I thought I recognised that voice and ironically my mum was out the room. So I played it to her. And I think we both got very excited. She's bringing a new album out surely she has to do some tour dates!? Yes she did and we tried for the first set. To no avail. Then tried again and we got them! Adele live is something everyone should see. She's funny and when she talks its like she's your friend. But singing she's even better live then in recordings. Her concert was probably  one of the best I've been to. When the first bars of hello came on and her voice boomed through the 02 arena, for the first time at a concert I got goose bumps. I thought I'd cry. But I know how much my mum wanted to see her as well so it was nice that I was able to do that. We also stayed in the new intercontinental hotel right next door which I must say is very nice!

Next came


So back around febuary/march this year I was finishing up working with Sharon and Lisa from Blind Children when they asked me if I would present a speech as part of the opening ceremony event of their campaign week in parliament. They were campaigning to highlight the importance of habilitation training for visually impaired children and young people. As I know the importance of blind children and all the work they do for young people. How important habilitation is. I was more than happy to represent them and present a speech. Strangley enough, once my speech got the okay from the people I spoke to at blind children, I wasnt really nervous. It was really weird because we went through security and then we got escorted to the hall where people could campaign. The CEO of blind children uk spoke and introduced me. Then I got a little nervous. But I did it and I am really proud of myself. It was probably the only chance I will get to do something like that and speak in parliament. Its also something to add to my cv and when I go to college/university I can show all that I have done.  It was probably one of those 'Tell the grandkids' moment. Its also all the more poignant now that blind children uk will be merged into guide dogs to exist as one charity.


So the last few years I was at school I didn't participate in the school plays. So when I joined Identity I was a novice at performing. Only to my family. Also I loved singing but never said so or showed anyone. Also coming out of school my self esteem and confidence were rock bottom. So when it was mentioned about doing a showcase, I was all for it but balk, because I thought 'it won't actually happen'. Well fast forward to April and numerous rehearsing. It was the show day. Yeah it was actually happening. So when the show started It was going well but then I heard the music to defying gravity and in that instant I wanted to say I can't do it. We were told, if you want to back out you can but I thought, you can't do that 5 seconds before show time. I did it, couldn't look anyone in the eye because I was on the verge of tears. Shaking I came off stage and sat on my mums lap and proceeded to be in hysterics and have a panic attack. Although the audience were apparently crying with me!! The second song spoonful of sugar was better, I think because defying gravity has always been the one song I relate and go to. Like my dream is to be Elphaba. The song itself resonates with me, and I think people could see that. But once my songs were out the way I enjoyed it a lot. That performance will be ingrained in my memory, 1. for my reaction afterwards but mainly 2. When I left school I never would have done something like this and it proved to me I can do this.

Okay since I didn't want to post pictures of people in the group so I cropped this photo of the show. We were performing popular and we were becoming popular, hence the wigs! Its the only photo I'm posting of the show on here. Ive worked on my camera face since.


I finally completed my new years resolution to raise money for blind children uk. A charity that I cannot thank enough for all the help they have given to me. Sadly though because blind children uk didn't have enough funding they have merged with guide dogs. Which is good because its all in one place from 0 - 100 but that also means less of the money going to all the services because there is now more services under the name. if that makes sense. But this is not to dwell on the sad things. Walking over the 02 arena was amazing, even if I did it in the wheelchair. Don't be fooled that is still a workout. My arms were so sore after from helping pull the ropes and holding onto the handlebars tightly. One upside of the climb and my vision. I couldnt see to the sides of me so I couldn't see down. Not that I'm afraid of heights. My mum is though, so much so she had to stay home.
Photo was before I got in the wheelchair and did the climb, for some reason I couldn't put this in the caption box without moving the photo.


So during the run up to the show we at identity all arranged to go on holiday together for the weekend after the show. A lot of the group went. We went to Hemsby. So at the end of identity we all started to make our way to Hemsby. We don't normally go on holiday because either money restraints or holidays are a lot of hassle. I mean between my brother and I holidays can cause so many issues so its just not worth going. But we all decided to go because everyone was going and we thought it would be fun. After a few bumps, like I got ill at the end of the holiday and threw up on the way home and my brother went home half way through the holiday. We had fun. Defiantly we would do it again *wink wink* If anyone wants to start the ball rolling!
Photo of my brother, mum and I on the beach.


Finally the day arrived that I saw the musical that shaped my life. The musical that I want to one day be in. Wicked. That musical is the one musical that I relate to and love and will never tire of. The story is beautiful, the songs are incredible. Of course Elphaba is my favourite. We went to see it because someone in the home ed community, who arranges days out, arranged for people to see wicked. The tickets are normally quite expensive and thats part of the reason I hadn't been before. Because I didn't want to shell out the money, something always got in the way. 

When I saw it I was fine up until defying gravity and then I welled up. It was everything and more. Seeing Emma Hatton sing it amazingly, how could my performance top that. Then For Good, a few more bars and I would've cried buckets. I want to go see it again in the new year hopefully.

YALC - JULY 2016

So I was meant to go for the day in 2015 but I booked it for the day I was meant to help at my local library so couldn't back out. But this year I made it my mission to go. So I did, after multiple plan changes. Staying the whole weekend, to not, going all the days to going only two.  It was an interesting experience and I preferred Yalc to the comic con floors. I met some lovely authors whose books I love. Some even recognised me from me talking about their books. I mean my mum even messaged Catherine Doyle, I mean really you need to read the blood for blood trilogy. I'm hoping to go to the 2017 Yalc but again we will have to see.


Typical isn't it, you don't go on holiday in ages then you go twice in a year. At the end of August, my family, my two older brothers families all went to pointins in Wales. We all had a a lovely time. We're hoping to do something like this again in 2017, possibly get a big cottage for all of us. It was really nice as because my brothers live up north we don't see each other as often as we'd like and when we do its not for very long. The weather was on our side the whole of the holiday. Although we did get lost on the way there. Because our chalets were all next to each other we all gathered in ours. I'm really looking forward to our next family holiday.

Photo taken by me on holiday because I didn't want to post pictures of everyone.


The CVI Society is a charity organisation and my mum and I part of the Facebook group. So when I did my speech in parliament, my mum posted the video on the group and they asked me if I would do a speech at their annual convention. Where parents and professionals listen to speeches and workshops. To gain information into cvi, which is one of the more common types of sight loss but probably one of the lesser known about. We went up the night before the convention because it started early in the morning. We did a bit of shopping and had dinner with everyone who had arrived the night before. We met Janet, the founder of the cvi society. It was really lovely to meet her and put a face to names. I think I chatted people's ears off. My mum said I sort of spoiled my speech because I kept saying about things that I put in my speech. I kind of ran over on my speech but no one seemed to mind. People seemed really interested in what I was saying, I think because a lot of the parents had children much younger than me and they don't quite know what the future holds. But seeing someone with CVI and my life. It gives them an idea of what could be. It was also lovely to meet fellow young people like me with CVI. I'd never met anyone quite like me before so it was really lovely. I'm defiantly going next year!

Picture I took outside the hotel of the water fountain.

So this was something I didn't plan on going to. My sister invited me. I had an alright time. I have written a blog post about it which will be on here after the new year. I did quite a lot of shopping, which when its about 2 weeks to christmas. Nightmare crowds! It was an alright event, beauty con, but I don't think I'll go again. I think we might go to something like IMATS or the clothes show.

So we did it. We did the panto, it went really well. Especially the second show because everyone had nerves the first show and went on stage and each time everyone came off stage we all said its not as bad as we thought. And on the second show I could look at people without welling up. After all the hard work we put in, each and every one of us. Some people even bought tickets after coming to the first performance and enjoying it so much. I cant wait until the next show. I invited Sharon and Lisa from Guide Dogs/Blind Children UK, it was nice that they could see how far I had come since habilitation training at the beginning of the year and the last show they came to where I had my panic attack and cried.

Photo of my costume + makeup + Wig = Snow White


So I finally turned 18, a age I technically shouldn't have saw considering I nearly died as a a baby. Its been a rollercoaster 18 years old, with quite a few low moments. Medically Its been up and down. But this year has been my best medically as well, yes I had the growth hormone diagnosis but I don't class that as a bad thing because I finally have an answer to why, for example, I'm so tired. I'd like to think its working, I sleep less now! My headaches have been so non existent I can't remember the last one I had. Then again with my memory is that any surprise. My birthday was really good, I had all my friends and family, my brother even came down with his family for my brothers and I's birthday.

So in a year where globally there has been so much pain and heartbreak. That 2017 is still in some sense quite unknown. I just hope that 2017 builds on this year. Because I've had a couple of really rubbish years so it would be nice to have good years to come.

This year the world lost a lot of people, I lost a school friend, who wasn't that much older than I was. She was such a lovely person, and she packed so much into her life. So many people turned up for her memorial service, she was so loved.  

Another person/animal I kind of lost was my brothers girlfriends cat. I loved Ollie the cat, he was an old cat and only had a few teeth but he had a good life. I was even going to buy him a christmas present! Some people might think why are you mourning an animal, it wasnt even your pet, but If I were in that position I would want someone to sympathise with me. Animals deserve mourning as much as humans.

I've even done really well on my new year resolutions as well,

So this year I don't really have any new years resolutions except
1. Be happy 
2. Do more charity work
3.Be more confident and believe in myself. Be kinder to myself.
Yeah lets see if I can do those, Fingers crossed. I would of put read more books or get better at blog post deadlines but I want to actually hopefully keep to my new years resolutions, and I don't think I would be able to achieve those two. LOL!

 I think I'm going to keep those resolutions because I still want to do more charity work, I hope once the process of getting a PA/Carer  is done, I will be able to volunteer for Cats Protection. Yes I am in the process of getting direct payments for a Carer, I might do a blog post on the process, because its been a bit of a long one. I want to work on being more happy and confident. Again reading books and blog post deadlines are still ones that probably won't happen.

One resolution I want to add is, to work on my GCSES to get the best possible grades.  Because I want to get into college/drama school. I want to start a new part of my life if that makes sense.

I hope everyone has a lovely start to the new year and heres to 2017!

Until next time
Sophie x

1 comment:

  1. When you list everything you have accomplished in 2016 it shows what a great year it has been , how much more confident you've become in all aspects of your life . Here's to 2017 being another great year xx
