Thursday, 20 April 2017

Where have I been?

Long time no see. I know, I'm terrible at this schedule game. Well no thats a lie, its just life has suddenly got crazy busy. Well especially this week. This week I have had something every single day of the week except Saturday, today, hence having time to type this up. I wanted to write a blog post on it because my life could be about to get even more exciting.
So first things first I am in a new production with Identity. Its a 1 night only show based on eastenders. Which show night is in a couple of weeks so I have spent most of nights, instead of writing blog posts, learning and going over my script. I'm Pat, which yes I have found some earrings and got a faux fur jacket for!
Secondly, through becoming more busy, I've been asleep by 1:30am most nights. Which some people may think is still late but for me is early. I'm known to go to sleep at 4am some nights.

Okay onto the big deals. I am applying for college. But not just any old college, Chickenshed. Chickenshed is renowned for being a performing arts college for everyone. They are renowned for their inclusivity. I went to their open evening on Thursday, which I said to my mum was just like a bigger identity. Which is a positive. Sometimes you get a feeling that something is for you, and I got that feeling. Although we did have to leave before the show 'Blowing in the wind' otherwise we wouldn't have got home until half 11pm at the earliest and I needed to be up early the next day for Identity show rehearsals. I felt bad as the lady who organised the tickets got us seats nearest the front especially for me. Next time definitely. Well hopefully I'll be in the next one!  I gave in my application so I am waiting to go in for an interview. Because they don't pressure people into an audition, knowing that sometimes you can be the best but not perform well in auditions. *Update* I went for my audition and I am waiting to hear back. Fingers crossed.

Okay so the second biggie which is Sunday, I applied for NYT. National Youth Theatre. Yes I must be crazy. Okay so I didn't finish writing this on Saturday so its now Tuesday and I had my audition for NYT. We got there super early as on Thursday we were a little late so we didn't want to chance traffic. We got to the theatre an hour early. The theatre wasn't open so we had to wander down the road to find a cafe to sit in. When we got into the theatre and people started arriving I did have a moment of what I have I done. Because I was the only disabled person, I had my long cane. A lot of the people seemed to know each other. I felt a little out of place. But I preserved and after the initial wave of 'Crap; what have I done', I relaxed and just went with it. It felt a bit like identity, which had to be a good sign. We had a 3 hour workshop, which my mum sat in the theatre cafe drinking multiple cups of coffee, then we had a lunch break. We had bought food with us because we thought we'd save money only we couldn't eat food that wasnt bought from the theatre and we weren't allowed to really sit in the waiting area. So we had to wander and find somewhere to eat. We found a local pub and then had to go back for my audition. Each person had a ten minute slot to perform their monologue they'd chosen and have a little chat about themselves. I wasnt really nervous because I knew that chances are I won't get in but its not because they thought I was rubbish or because of my disability. It will be whether they don't have anyone like me already. We all sat in a little makeshift room and about 5-10 minutes before my audition I became really jittery and I thought I wouldn't be able to walk to the audition. But I did and I'll be honest i'm so glad I didn't quit or not go. I feel like my audition, although I cant remember half of what I said, I did my best. I don't think I fluffed up my lines that much, I gave my all in the workshop and I made them laugh which has to be a good thing. I'm proud of myself because a couple of years back I would never have done that. Just the idea of being in a room with my long cane on show in front of a bunch of people, would have been enough to scare me off. So I am just waiting now. I would urge people to apply for NYT. It is probably one of the best experiences I've had. Don't be deterred by thinking they won't let me apply I'm disabled, or in a minority that isn't best represented in the acting world. It states on their website that they want a company that is diverse as society is. Even if acting and performing isn't what you want to do it's a really good thing to do I think. And if I don't get in, which to be honest is more likely than not I will definitely be applying again next year. I read something that made me think as well, it was an article about diversity in theatre and saying that part of the reason that drama schools don't seem to be very diverse in their students is because nobody, out of the norm if that makes sense, has applied. Which is kind of my motto. How am I going to be able to say, I wasn't accepted if I don't try it. How does anyone set out to change things without putting their all in and persevering.

Speaking of auditions I have another one on Saturday for a London based drama group. I'm not going to go into too much detail as it hasn't happened yet but I'm not stressing and what ever happens happens. Obviously I hope it goes well and I get in but if I don't it'll be a nothing lost but a lot gained. *Update* I didn't get in but I will hopefully audition again. And to be honest I don't think I was ready as a lot of the people who were also auditioning had finished drama school or university. I think a majority of them were older than me. 

Casera sera whatever will be, the futures not ours to see. Casera sera.

Which I'll be honest I wouldn't have been like a few years ago.

So thats just a little update of where I've been. Between rehearsing for our show in Identity, which we did and I think was a success. We're now putting on another showcase which is exciting and I have a few ideas. I am also still continuing my school work which I'm looking to start taking my exams soon!
But yeah hopefully thats a bit of an explanation. Hopefully things will be more regular. Hopefully.

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